Software Architecture and Design. It’s the decisions you wish you could… | by D. Husni Fahri Rizal | The Legend | Medium

Software Architecture and Design

It’s the decisions you wish you could get right early in a project

Figure 1.1. Sample software architecture with high-level component interaction. Delivery service, orders service, and others are high-level components.

  • The blueprint will define a structured solution so that it can meet all technical and operational requirements. Besides, the blueprint must be able to optimize general attributes such as performance and security.
  • This blueprint will involve a series of critical decisions about the organization regarding the software development process, and each of these decisions can have a significant impact on the quality, maintenance, performance, and overall success of the final product.

Figure 1.2. Software architecture as Blueprint

Practical Relevance for Business Team and Users

Now we are clear about what software architecture is and know the risks if we do not have it or having it but not good. I think we all agree that software architecture is important. Its existence will determine the success of the application that we will make. But what’s the benefit for you as a software user or paying customer?

  • New software must compatible and interoperable with existing IT systems.
  • Data security and protection.
  • Easy to maintain and suitable for changes in the future.
  • The price and cost of the new solution must match the available funds.

Software Design Pattern

Software design is different from software architecture. Sometimes most software developers are confused and often consider them the same. Software design is responsible for the code-level design, what each model is doing, the class scope, the functions, purposes, structure and class relation, etc. When used strategically, they can make the programming process more efficient, giving the teams a method that others have already defined, so they don’t have to keep reinventing the wheel.

Why Software Architecture and Design is Important

In the above explanations, we have mentioned some of the importance of this software architecture and design. In this section, we will try to explain this matter deeper and wider.

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