Software Engineering (BS)

Learning Outcomes

Academic Learning Compact

Consistent with its mission and guiding principles, Florida Gulf Coast University
is committed to academic excellence and continuous quality improvement, as supported
by a sound teaching-learning process. Within this process, students and instructors
share responsibility for learning that is a movement from the simple to the complex,
the concrete to the abstract, and the dependent to the independent. The Academic Learning
Compact (ALC) initiative supports the teaching-learning process by clearly identifying
expected core student learning outcomes in the areas of content/discipline knowledge
and skills, communication skills, and critical thinking skills; aligning curricula
with expectations; and using assessment to guide continuous improvement. 

Content/Discipline Knowledge and Skills

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified software engineering
    needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare as well as global,
    cultural, social, environmental, and sustainability factors. 
  2. Recognize professional and ethical responsibilities in software engineering and make
    informed judgments.
  3. Use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for software engineering practice. 

Content/discipline knowledge and skills are assessed at the college and departmental
levels through oral and written presentations, exams, design projects, laboratory
assessment and other assignments throughout the curriculum.

Communication Skills

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Select, organize, and relate ideas and information in written, oral, and graphic form
    with coherence, clarity, and unity.
  2. Develop and present consistent arguments to select and diverse audiences. 

Communication skills are assessed at the University, College, and Department levels
through oral and written presentations, exams, projects, laboratory assessment and
other assignments throughout the curriculum.

Critical Thinking Skills

Graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify problems and the critical information needed for their solution.
  2. Analyze and synthesize information, and draw reasoned inferences.
  3. Formulate and evaluate appropriate problems-solving strategies.

Critical thinking skills are assessed at the University, College, and Departmental
levels through oral and written presentations, exams, projects, laboratory assessment,
and other assignments throughout the curriculum.