Software Testing Process | Software Testing Methods | LeewayHertz

As every aspect of our life is transforming into digital versions, we find ourselves more intrigued by their underlying software’s functioning. Software is controlling everything that is digitized.

But how can we ensure that the software involved in controlling so many aspects of our lives are efficient and not full of defects? This is where Software Testing steps in.

In this detailed guide, we will cover the following topics about Software Testing.

Let’s get started by understanding the meaning of software testing.

What is Software Testing?

As defined by the ANSI/IEEE 1059 standard,“Testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing and required conditions (that is, defects/errors/bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.”

Software Testing is a way to ensure that the end product matches the expected standards. The aim of software testing is:

  • To evaluate functionality.
  • To identify bugs & defects.
  • To identify gaps between existing and expected conditions.

Also, Software Testing provides an impartial and independent view of the software, which helps understand its pros and cons.

Why is Software Testing important?

It is essential to ensure the superior functioning of the software. Many losses can be avoided by testing software before implementing it.

Software Testing offers numerous advantages, making it a crucial step before delivering the final product to the customer.

Advantages of Software Testing

Here, we have listed and explained five advantages of software testing.

  1. Saves Money
  2. High Quality
  3. User Experience
  4. Brings Profits
  5. Business Optimization

advantages of software testingadvantages of software testing

  • Saves Money
    There are many ways you can make the process of software development a little cost-effective. One way is to test the software properly. You can save a lot of money by testing software before implementing it. Executing faulty software will cost you numerous investments, users, and clients. Also, testing ensures that your software does not need continuous fixing – thus saving money in the long run.
  • High Quality
    Software testing aims to remove bugs and defects in your software to ensure smooth functioning. Hence, you can guarantee high-quality software to your clients. Delivering good quality software also plays a significant role in building a brand image. High-quality software attracts more customers and higher payments.
  • User Experience 
    User Experience plays an essential role in deciding the successful launch of the software. A user will only use software continuously if it is basic and straightforward. If the user experience is terrible,  it will be complicated or challenging to use the software. The software needs to be simple, direct, easy to use, and ensure a good user experience. It is essential to test software rigorously for this purpose.
    Flawless user experience leads to recommendations and a boost in your business.
  • Brings Profits
    Software testing plays an essential role in bringing profits. It heightens the Return on Investment by ensuring good quality. Rigorous Software Testing leads to high-quality and efficient software, resulting in good user experience, client satisfaction, and good word-of-mouth. It will help you to retain old clients as well as gain new ones. Hence, it leads to profits. Also, since software testing enables you to remove as many bugs as possible in the early stages of development, long-run investments in debugging are reduced.
  • Business Optimization 
    Business optimization implies happy users, client retention, low servicing costs, increased profits, better quality, and a superior brand image. All this depends on the quality of the software you offer to your users, which can be ensured only with careful and continuous Software Testing. Faulty software can also lead to disturbed communication within your company, causing unnecessary problems and inefficiency. The implications of faulty software can be avoided with the help of Software Testing.

What are the Types of Software Testing?

Software testing is of two types:

  1. Manual Testing
  2. Automation Testing

Manual Testing

Testing software only by human intervention is known as manual testing. Verification of existing conditions with requirements is done. Manual testing may include detailed step-by-step test cases for testing periods.

Some advantages of Manual Testing are:

  • Cost-Effective
    Manual Testing can save you the costs of using automatic tools to test software.
  • Nothing can beat the human eye
    There are many instances when the human eye catches something which goes unseen by an automated tool. If something looks “off,” it can immediately be rectified by the tester.
  • User Experience modification –
    You cannot rely entirely on an automated tool to provide you with the best user experience. Some things, like visual or design bugs, can be identified more effectively by the human eye.
  • Flexibility – With manual testing, the advantage of flexibly rectifying bugs is added.

Automation Testing

Testing software by using automation tools is known as automation testing. There are various tools accessible that can assist you in automatically testing your software, which will be discussed later in this article.

Some advantages of Automation Testing are:

  • Test execution can be scheduled
    With automation testing, you can schedule the software testing anytime from anywhere. It provides this flexibility as you don’t have to be physically present for the testing. You have automated tools to assist you.
  • Regression testing is easy
    Regression testing refers to running functional and non-functional tests repeatedly to ensure the smooth functioning of the software after a change has been made. It is the pain spot for every software tester as it is tedious and time-consuming. Automation testing eases this process as you can schedule and conduct the regression test to be performed automatically at any time.
  • It enables you to reuse your test scripts.
  • Saves time
    Automation testing increases the speed as you don’t have to overlook it manually. It frees you from spending a lot of time on test scripts and repeated testing, hence increasing your efficiency and offering you a chance to work on other aspects of the software.