Sonic Forces – Racing Battle
bendys_brother scratch/imgflip
I love this game, but I can barely play it, you know why? 3 reasons… 1: there are way too many updates. 2: my parents need to put in a password. 3RD: I DON’T EVER GO AND ASK THEM TO DO SO. Ahem, sorry for that small rage… but still, way too many updates, please reduce the amount of updates. Also another thing you should add. You should make tails vault optional, I hate when it comes up over and over again asking if I want to retrieve my cards, I just want to go into settings and turn off tails vault. I understand some people might want tails vault and others might not (such as me) and now switching topics from tails vault. Why can’t I try to unlock infinite anymore? I mean, if you can unlock infinite somehow without purchasing infinite then I would be possibly the happiest rapper (it’s dontmesswithmiles on SoundCloud invade you want to view my page, thank you) because I already have movie knuckles, movie super sonic, I have a lot, but still please make that a new event. ANNNNND speaking of movie super sonic, why does it take me 3 seconds to transform? It just sends me into 4th place. And when I’m in 4th place transforming into super sonic there is absolutely no chance in 3rd 2nd or 1st place. Maybe make him keep running while he is transforming into super sonic that would help a lot of people. I would appreciate if you could fix those few problems, thanks for everything sega, peace ✌🏾