SpamTitan Email Scanner

Email Scanner

Email scanning is the automated process of reviewing every email sent to your organization for viruses, malware and spam.

Scanning evaluates the urls and attachments in each email before the user receives it, to identify potential malicious attacks to protect your organization, employees and customers.


An email scanner service examines inbound and outbound email messages for viruses, malware and spam.

These services are typically managed by your organization’s IT department helping them to protect it’s employees and users from harmful links to malicious URLS and attached files that could contain detrimental malware.


SpamTitan is a double anti-virus email scanner with a proven spam blocker, with a spam catch rate of 99.99%. SpamTitan scans inbound emails in real-time for emails with malicious intent. SpamTitan scans emails for malicious URLS and attachments. If any malicious activity is found, emails will be quarantined.  

Email scanning is one of the most important features for any email security solution. Inbound and outbound scanning is vital in protecting an organisation from cybercriminals.


What Threats are Prevented with an Email Scanning Software?

Here are some of the threats that are eliminated due to SpamTitan’s email scanning software for inbound emails:

Malicious URLs & Attachments

SpamTitan scans inbound emails in Microsoft Outlook in real-time for malicious URL’s and attachments infected with malware. Any suspicious emails will be quarantined instead of entering the client’s inbox. ·

Email Virus Scanning / Malware & Spam Scanning

SpamTitan’s email virus scanning ensures double anti-virus protection with a 99.99% Spam Catch rate. So, your business does not need to worry about malware and spam getting through.

Social Engineering Attacks

SpamTitan’s email scanner service scans and blocks emails that could be phishing or spear-phishing attacks.


The risk of ransomware attacks is significantly reduced with SpamTitan. The advanced email scanning service identifies and blocks potential ransomware attacks, that could have a detrimental impact on an organization. 

Potential Data Breaches

in 2020, 27 billion data records were reported stolen as a result of inefficient cybersecurity defenses, resulting in an increase in cybersecurity attacks. Data breaches cost money, reputation, and time to rectify. Having an email protection solution such as SpamTitan, can scan emails for phishing attempts to steal organization data. 

Spoofing Attacks

SpamTitan can identify email accounts that may be false through Real-Time Blacklists (RBL’s). Any email account or domain that has been identified on blacklists will be blocked with SpamTitan’s spam filter. 

SpamTitan email protection solution provides advanced yet easy to use email virus scanning, malware & phishing protection for your business. Microsoft 365 friendly.

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Outbound email scanning ensures spam emails, or emails containing malware, are not sent from an organization’s email accounts or domains. Unknowingly to an employee, a corporate email account can be compromised by cybercriminals and use an organization’s domain to send malware and ransomware to clients and customers. This can have a detrimental effect on an organization’s reputation and may result in corporate email accounts or an entire domain being blacklisted.

How can Outbound Email Scanning Prevent Domain Blacklisting?

Domain / IP Blacklists are updated in real-time and contain millions of blocked domains and email addresses that have been reported as having been used for unwanted activity such as the sending of spam emails. If emails are sent from a blacklisted account, domain, or IP address those emails will either be directed to a quarantine folder, deleted, or will simply be rejected.

If a business has its domain added to a spam blacklist, not only do important emails to clients and customers will not get through, it can be extremely difficult and costly to revert a domain blacklisting.

To prevent domain / IP blacklisting, am email scanning software is required. SpamTitan email scanner not only scans inbound emails in real-time, but can detect if the email account is being used to send spam emails and emails with malicious malware. These emails will be blocked by SpamTitan and not be send to the targeted user. Nevertheless, not only does SpamTitan protect the intended recipient, but protects the domain IP and the reputation of the business.


Don’t just take our word for it. Why not try SpamTitan Plus+ for free  to see for yourself?

SpamTitan Plus is a leading-edge, A.I.-driven email scanning software and anti-phishing solution powered by zero-day threat protection. SpamTitan Plus scans emails and inspects all URLs to identify links to malicious websites. It also rewrites all URLs and provides time-of-click analysis to protect against links to websites that appear to be safe on delivery but are later weaponized with malware. Learn more about SpamTitan Plus.


Email Scanning Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Email scanning software allows only legitimate and safe emails to reach employee inboxes. An email scanning service is a process of filtering emails that are inbound to the user’s inbox and outgoing from the company server. Inbound email scanning checks and filters the incoming emails for malware and suspicious links. Outbound email scanning software scans the user’s outgoing emails to ensure it adheres to the organization’s policy.

It only takes one click of a link on a malicious email to allow malware into your network, & the cost of such an error on a business, can be enormous. Email scanning also assesses email links & attachments for possible malicious content including suspicious domains & other signs of email spoofing often used in BEC attacks.

SpamTitan is an email protection system that blocks malware, phishing, & viruses from reaching your inbox. It scans mail for email borne threats & blocks them before reaching the user. SpamTitan Cloud is one of the most versatile malware scanning & filtering solutions available.

With email scanning technology, organizations can review all inbound email to check for malware, viruses, phishing & spam. Email scanning software evaluates links & email attachments to identify malicious URLs and weaponized attachments that can be part of a phishing or ransomware attack.

Today’s threat landscape includes emails with malicious URLs & attachments from phishing, spear-phishing & whaling email attacks. With so many threats, standard virus protection is just not enough – Try SpamTitan.

With new threats emerging daily, having a email malware protection software in place can prevent these viruses disrupting your business causing downtime and impacting productivity.

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