Sustainable Bitcoin Mining | Bitcoin Mining Company
CleanSpark’s sustainability efforts account for variation in local energy mixes by purchasing renewable energy credits and by deploying distributed energy systems onsite once facilities are at scale. Energy mixes are highly variable, so CleanSpark participates in voluntary programs like Georgia’s Simple Solar as part of its commitment to sustainability.
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Decentralized Energy Meets
Decentralized Currency
Since our earliest days in the energy technology sector, CleanSpark’s vision has been to facilitate abundant, affordable, clean energy. Our innovative systems have helped industry leaders and homeowners cut down on power costs and reduce energy waste by making energy generation and storage more efficient. We identified bitcoin mining as an area ripe for CleanSpark’s innovation—and we haven’t looked back.
Bitcoin is perhaps the world’s greatest playground for energy technology development that has ever existed. We can use it to innovate, test, and deploy new energy technologies. As the world responds to a changing climate by embracing renewable, clean energy sources, it will put pressure on energy infrastructure. Bitcoin mining incentivizes investment into renewable and distributed energy.