Techstream software download
I run Techstream 12 on my Surface Pro 3 with Windows 10 20H2. I found the easiest way was to use Virtualbox (free open source from Oracle) and DL a preset, preconfigured and pre-licensed virtual machine .OVA file and “Import appliance” browsing to the .OVA you D/L’d. The install takes about 2 minutes for Virtualbox and less than a minute to import the OVA. After that just start the VM and it’s configured and ready to use. Techstream is running in a 32bit WinXP environment and uses very little resources. You can disable the network for the VM (good idea) if you want for keeping Techstream completely sandboxed.
Of course, you do need to have a J2534 mini VCI cable that works. If it’s not designated J2534 you probably won’t be able to talk to the CAN network. As always with Win10, just plugin the mini VCI and give it a couple minutes to see if the OS can setup a driver for it. Go into the device manager and take a peek if a yellow triangle shows for the miniVCI. If it does, then D/L the miniVCI driver and install. Probably an XHorse driver, but just go to where you purchased the device and the D/L link should be there.
Just do a web search for teachstream OVA for the image and search for and DL the latest Virtualbox from Oracle.
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