Telling Time on a Digital and Analog Clock for Primary Students – ppt download

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Telling Time on a Digital and Analog Clock for Primary Students
Created By: Justine Koszela CEP 811 April 2011

Telling Time on a Digital and Analog Clock for Primary Students

Helpful Hints for Using This Program
Use the arrow at the bottom right of the screen to get to the next slide. When you answer a question and click on your choice, it will take you directly to the next screen. Good luck and have fun  Click on the button to start your learning!

Helpful Hints for Using This Program

Different Kinds of Clocks That We See All Around Us
Different Kinds of Clocks That We See All Around Us

What an Analog Clock Looks Like
Analog clocks have two hands: A longer hand that tells the minutes. A shorter hand that tells the hour. Some clocks also have a red hand which counts the seconds that go by.

What an Analog Clock Looks Like

Practice Counting by 5’s
When telling time, it is important to count by 1’s and 5’s. Let’s practice counting by 5’s. Click on the speaker phone and say it with me! 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60 Click on this house to take you to a web page to practice counting by 5’s. Use the crayon to color in each number when you count.

Practice Counting by 5’s

Telling Time on an Analog Clock # 1
The long hand is on the number 6. The number 6 represents how many minutes on this clock? A. 45 minutes B. 12 minutes C. 30 minutes D. 5o minutes

Telling Time on an Analog Clock # 1

Practice Counting by 5’s
When telling time, it is important to count by 1’s and 5’s. Click on the video to practice counting by 5’s. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60

Practice Counting by 5’s

You Rock! The 6 on a clock does represent 30 minutes!
Counting by 5’s on a clock really does help us out!

You Rock! The 6 on a clock does represent 30 minutes!

Telling Time on an Analog Clock #2
The short hand on the clock tells us what? A. the seconds B. the hour C. the minutes D. the numbers

Telling Time on an Analog Clock #2

A Helpful Hint to Remember
Analog clocks have two hands: A longer hand that tells the minutes. A shorter hand that tells the hour. Some clocks also have a red hand which counts the seconds that go by.

A Helpful Hint to Remember

Excellent Job Way to go you got it right!
The short hand on a clock does tell us the hour!

Excellent Job Way to go you got it right!

What a Digital Clock Looks Like
Digital clocks also tell us time. But they look a little different. A digital clock first tells us the hour and then it tells us the minutes. This clock says it’s eighteen minutes past six o’ clock.

What a Digital Clock Looks Like

Digital Clock Practice # 1
Which analog clock matches the time on the digital clock? A. B. C.

Digital Clock Practice # 1

What a Digital Clock Looks Like
Digital clocks also tell us time. But they look a little different. A digital clock first tells us the hour and then it tells us the minutes. This clock says it’s eighteen minutes past six o’ clock.

What a Digital Clock Looks Like

Great Work! You got it right! It is 12:00
The first number on a digital clock is the hour. The second number represents the minutes.

Great Work! You got it right! It is 12:00

What Do the Numbers Mean?
A clock has numbers 1-12 on it. Each number is worth 5 minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour. A clock can be split into 4 equal pieces like a pizza. Each one is worth 15 minutes. You can also say that there are 4 quarters, each quarter equals 15 minutes.

What Do the Numbers Mean

Find the Missing Number
On this clock how many minutes does the 9 represent? (Listen while I read it to you) A. 60 minutes B. 40 minutes C. 20 minutes D. 45 minutes

Find the Missing Number

Practice Counting by 5’s Again
When telling time, it is important to count by 1’s and 5’s. Let’s practice counting by 5’s. Click on the speaker phone and say it with me! 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60

Practice Counting by 5’s Again


Awesome Job! When we count by 5’s, it does make the 9 = 45 minutes!

Awesome Job! When we count by 5’s, it does make the 9 = 45 minutes!

How the Clock Works If a clock is to the hour, it looks like this.
If a clock says 4:15, another way to say this is quarter past 4. If a clock says 9:30, another way to say this is half past 9. If a clock says 4:45, another way to say this is quarter to 5.

How the Clock Works If a clock is to the hour, it looks like this.

What Are the Different Words Used When Telling Time
“O’clock” signals the top of the hour, and the clocks arms will point straight up to the 12. “Quarter -after” is the signal for the clocks arms to reach straight to the right, pointing at the 3. “Quarter ‘til” will point to the 9 on the clock. “…thirty” means bending over and reaching for the clocks toes and the number 6.

What Are the Different Words Used When Telling Time


Practice Using a Clock Click on the clock to load the web page that will help you learn how to tell the minutes on a clock.

Practice Using a Clock Click on the clock to load the web page that will help you learn how to tell the minutes on a clock.

More Practice Telling Time
Click on the picture below to get to the clock. When you get to the clock, show 9: 30 Then show 6: 45 Finally show 2:15

More Practice Telling Time

A Fun Sing Along About Clocks
Here is a fun little video that you can watch. Click on the TV to watch a video from YouTube but, don’t forget to sing along!

A Fun Sing Along About Clocks

Time for a Little Clock Practice #1
What time is it? Click on one of the following. A. 4:30 B. 10:00 C. 1:00 D. 2:45

Time for a Little Clock Practice #1


Oooopps! Not the best choice. Remember if you need extra help to go back up top and practice using the clocks.

Oooopps. Not the best choice.


Super Job! Excellent job! It’s 10 o’clock! Way to go!

Super Job! Excellent job! It’s 10 o’clock! Way to go!

Time Practice # 2 Find quarter to two o’ clock. A. 3:30 B. 1:45
Press the speaker phone to repeat the question. A. 3:30 B. 1:45 C. 11:00 D. 12:45

Time Practice # 2 Find quarter to two o’ clock. A. 3:30 B. 1:45

Extra Practice on Reading the Clock
If a clock is to the hour, it looks like this. If a clock says 4:15, another way to say this is quarter past 4. If a clock says 9:30, another way to say this is half past 9. If a clock says 4:45, another way to say this is quarter to 5.

Extra Practice on Reading the Clock


Ooooopps! Not the best choice. Remember if you need extra help to go back up top and practice using the clocks.

Ooooopps. Not the best choice.

Another way of saying quarter to 2 is 1:45.
Super Job! Excellent Job! Another way of saying quarter to 2 is 1:45.

Another way of saying quarter to 2 is 1:45.

Telling Time Practice # 3
Look at the digital clock and figure out what time it is. A. Six o’ clock B. Quarter to five o’ clock C. Half past five o’ clock D. Quarter to six o’ clock

Telling Time Practice # 3


Oooppps!! Not the best choice. Remember that 45 minutes after can also be said as quarter to the next hour.

Oooppps!. Not the best choice.


Super Job! The digital clock says that it is five forty-five, or 5:45. Another way to say this is quarter to six o’ clock. Way to go!

Super Job! The digital clock says that it is five forty-five, or 5:45. Another way to say this is quarter to six o’ clock.


Telling Time # 4 What number should we put in the red box to have it show quarter past 7 o’ clock? A. 12 B. 5 C. 3 D. 15 7:

Telling Time # 4 What number should we put in the red box to have it show quarter past 7 o’ clock A. 12.

Extra Practice on Reading the Clock
If a clock is to the hour, it looks like this. If a clock says 4:15, another way to say this is quarter past 4. If a clock says 9:30, another way to say this is half past 9. If a clock says 4:45, another way to say this is quarter to 5.

Extra Practice on Reading the Clock

Way to go! You’re a Superstar!
“Quarter-after” means 15 minutes after the hour .

Way to go! You’re a Superstar!


Telling Time #5 Take a look at the clock in the red box that says 12:00. If we went out for recess for 1 hour, what would the clock look like when we came back inside? A. B.

Telling Time #5

Extra Help with Clocks An hour has 60 minutes.
It takes one hour for the big hand on the clock to go all the way around. When the big hand points to the 12, and the little hand points to a number, it’s a new hour!

Extra Help with Clocks An hour has 60 minutes.


Super Job! When the big hand goes all the way around the clock, it’s the next hour! We would come back inside at 1:00. So much fun!

Super Job. When the big hand goes all the way around the clock, it’s the next hour.

Which is it? A.M. or P.M.? AM= morning/daytime PM= night/dark
When telling time, we use two special words to tell us what time of day or night it is: AM= morning/daytime 12:00 pm is noon or lunchtime PM= night/dark 12:00 am is midnight

Which is it A.M. or P.M. AM= morning/daytime PM= night/dark

AM or PM? When we eat lunch at school, what time is it? A. 12:45 am
B. 12:45 pm

AM or PM When we eat lunch at school, what time is it A. 12:45 am


You’re Right! Remember when it is 12:00pm, it is noon time and we also say it’s LUNCH TIME. At our school we eat lunch at 12:45 pm.

You’re Right. Remember when it is 12:00pm, it is noon time and we also say it’s LUNCH TIME.

Congratulations, You’re All Done!
You’re an expert time teller.

Congratulations, You’re All Done!

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