The Agile Software Development Life Cycle | Wrike Agile Guide

4. Release

The product is almost ready for release. But first, the quality assurance team needs to perform some tests to ensure the software is fully functional. These Agile team members will test the system to ensure the code is clean — if potential bugs or defects are detected, the developers will address them swiftly. User training will also take place during this phase, which will require more documentation. When all of this is complete, the product’s final iteration can then be released into production.

5. Maintenance

The software will now be fully deployed and made available to customers. This action moves it into the maintenance phase. During this phase, the software development team will provide ongoing support to keep the system running smoothly and resolve any new bugs. They will also be on hand to offer additional training to users and ensure they know how to use the product. Over time, new iterations can take place to refresh the existing product with upgrades and additional features.

6. Retirement

There are two reasons why a product will enter the retirement phase: either it is being replaced with new software, or the system itself has become obsolete or incompatible with the organization over time. The software development team will first notify users that the software is being retired. If there is a replacement, the users will be migrated to the new system. Finally, the developers will carry out any remaining end-of-life activities and remove support for the existing software.

Each phase of the Agile life cycle contains numerous iterations to refine deliverables and deliver great results. Let’s take a look at how this iteration workflow works within each phase: 

The Agile iteration workflow

Agile iterations are usually between two and four weeks long, with a final completion date. The workflow of an Agile iteration will typically consist of five steps:

  1. Plan requirements 
  2. Develop product
  3. Test software
  4. Deliver iteration
  5. Incorporate feedback 

Each Agile phase will contain numerous iterations as software developers repeat their processes to refine their product and build the best software possible. In essence, these iterations are smaller cycles within the overarching Agile life cycle.

The Agile life cycle is a key structural model for software development teams, enabling them to stay on course as they move their product from conception to retirement. To support all activities in the Agile cycle, team members need to have access to the appropriate resources and tools, including an Agile project management platform.

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