The Best 10 Qualitative Data Analysis Software in 2021

If you followed my colleague Allie’s advice on how to make an effective survey, you were probably wildly successful in corralling customer feedback (if you haven’t, it’s definitely worth the read). However, now that you have all of this information, what do you do with it? Are you going to read through hundreds or thousands of customer reviews?

qualitative data analysis software: image shows a person on their laptop analyzing data

Once upon a time, that was the case. Now, there’s software that can compound and analyze your data, so you don’t have to. Most survey tools provide you with reporting for quantitative data, which limits your analysis to only consider the questions that have a quantifiable answer. This means qualitative data like open-ended questions or comments must be manually reviewed for trends and behaviors.

But when your business is taking in hundreds of reviews each day, you can’t have employees weeding through responses one by one. You need tools that automate this process and present your team with a breakdown of your customer reviews. This is where qualitative data analysis software comes into play.

Qualitative data analysis software reviews your survey and customer reviews in bulk, saving your team valuable time during reporting. In this post, we’ll break down some of the best qualitative data analysis software available and the best free options you can use with your team.
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Best Qualitative Data Analysis Software

  1. HubSpot
  3. Quirkos
  4. Qualtrics
  5. Raven’s Eye

1. HubSpot

As part of its Service Hub suite, HubSpot offers a customer feedback tool that provides detailed analytics for surveys and customer reviews. Your data gets centralized into one accessible dashboard which includes different charts and graphs summarizing your customers’ responses. With this simple setup, your team has a quick and clean way to review their daily analytics without navigating around the site.

Additionally, HubSpot’s Service Hub tools are integrated with NPS® surveys. Net Promoter Score, or NPS, is a type of survey that collects both quantitative and qualitative customer feedback. HubSpot’s customer feedback tool analyzes these responses and provides you with a detailed breakdown of customer satisfaction based on its findings.

Price: Service Hub starts free, Professional Plan starts at $400/month



MAXQDA is a qualitative data analysis software that’s designed for companies analyzing different types of customer data. The software allows you to import data from interviews, focus groups, surveys, videos, and even social media. This way you can review all of your qualitative data in one central location.

Once imported, MAXQDA lets you organize your information into categories or groups. You can mark specific data with tags and leave notes for other employees to review your work. MAXQDA even lets you color code your data so that your team knows exactly what to work on each day.

Price: Variable


Source: MAXQDA

3. Quirkos

Quirkos includes a variety of tools that analyze and review qualitative data. One of its most notable tools is its text analyzer which can find common keywords and phrases throughout different text documents. Your team can upload it’s customer reviews or survey responses and use this tool to identify recurring roadblocks in the customer experience.

Another interesting tool Quirkos provides is its “word cloud” tool. The word cloud tool reviews all of your text data and pulls out words that are frequently used. Then it groups them together into a cluster to visualize the themes emerging from your data, just like in the example below.


Source: Quirkos

Price: $575

4. Qualtrics

Qualtrics uses AI to review your survey data and forecast trends in customer behavior. Its “Predictive Analysis” tool evaluates data and makes predictions about customer satisfaction based on past survey responses. Use this information to interpret how customers will react to changes you make to the customer experience.

The “Text Analysis” tool reviews survey comments for popular trends and topics that are appearing in your customers’ feedback. This tool saves your team time by analyzing your surveys’ qualitative data in bulk. Once the data is compounded, Qualtrics provides you with a variety of display options including graphs, charts, slideshows, and maps.

Price: $25/month


Source: Qualtrics

5. Raven’s Eye

Raven’s Eye is a qualitative data software that can process multiple types of customer data. One of its most popular features is its audio converter which uploads audio files into the software and transforms them into text files. Then it analyzes the text for different insights into customer behavior. So, if you conduct interviews or focus groups with customers, you can record the audio for these sessions and upload them to Raven’s Eye for analysis.

In addition to audio, Raven’s Eye processes text documents. Its text analyzer can review text samples written in over 65 different languages. It uses a “natural language” analysis to determine a variety of unique metrics ranging from word count to reading ease.

Price: $40/month


Source: Raven’s Eye

These products are considered to be some of the best qualitative data analysis software offered this year. However, most of them are pricey and may not fit the financial needs of your small to medium-sized business. To help you find a software that’s right for you, let’s look at a few of the best, free qualitative data analysis software available for 2019.

Free Qualitative Data Analysis Software

  1. Square Feedback
  2. FreeQDA
  3. QDA Miner Lite
  4. ConnectedText
  5. Visão

1. Square Feedback

Square Feedback is a free survey and customer feedback collection tool that also provides qualitative data reporting. It can analyze survey responses to see how satisfied your customers are with things like customer service, wait time, and product quality. It also includes historical filter options that let you compare past data to current customer information to see how your customer service has changed over time.

2. FreeQDA

FreeQDA is a basic qualitative data analysis software that’s commonly downloaded by businesses looking for an inexpensive and simple tool. It uses a text analyzer to review customer interviews and compounds the information into one central location. There you can create categories for your data and group together popular words and phrases appearing in your responses.

3. QDA Miner Lite

QDA Miner Lite processes your qualitative data and lays it out into categories constructed into a “tree structure.” This tree structure consists of a core topic that’s broken down into smaller subtopics. These subtopics are groups of similar phrases or pieces of text that relate to the overarching category. This way you can quickly upload and segment your text data without having to review each one individually.

4. ConnectedText

ConnectedText is an interesting text analyzer software that acts as an internal wiki for customer feedback. Once a text is uploaded to the software, it’s given a unique page and categorized into a cluster of related documents. Users then search for keywords, customer names, or topics to find specific text samples or similar pieces of feedback. This system helps your team analyze qualitative data and makes it easier for customer service reps to locate past interactions with a customer that may become relevant at a later time.

5. Visão

Visão analyzes text by breaking down the customer’s response and filtering it into different segments. Users can customize the segments and determine how they want to have their data grouped. You can filter through individual pieces or look for common keywords between different samples of text. This flexibility allows your team to perform bulk assessments and analyze notable or outlying reviews.

If you’re struggling to gather customer reviews in the first place, read a few of our strategies to obtain customer feedback.

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