The Best Board Games

How it’s played: Players are split into two teams, and each round one team is tasked with moving a dial so that the needle is in the center of a funnel-like target (the closer to the center you get, the more points you score). The trick is that they can’t see the target while they move the needle; instead, a member of their team acts as the “psychic” who tries to get them to guess the correct position. The psychic gets a secret look at the position of the target and is given a card indicating two ends of a scale (from loud to quiet, good idea to bad idea, and so on). Next, they give their team a phrase that suggests where on that scale the target is. The other players try to interpret the clue and position the dial’s needle accordingly, which is normally when debates tend to spring up. (To give you an idea, “You think The Phantom Menace is an 85% good movie?!” is something that was furiously yelled the last time I played.) Once they lock in a position, the other team can earn bonus points by betting on whether they’re too far to one side of the target or the other. The teams switch off doing this until one team has gained 10 points and wins the game.