The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 (VOC2012)
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Visual Object Classes Challenge 2012 (VOC2012)
[click on an image to see the annotation]
For news and updates, see the
PASCAL Visual Object Classes Homepage
Mark Everingham
It is with great sadness that we report that Mark Everingham died in 2012.
Mark was the key member of the VOC project, and it would have been
impossible without his selfless contributions. The VOC workshop at
ECCV 2012 was dedicated to Mark’s memory.
tribute web page has been set up, and an appreciation of Mark’s
life and work published.
The main goal of this challenge is to recognize objects from a number of visual
object classes in realistic scenes (i.e. not pre-segmented objects). It is
fundamentally a supervised learning learning problem in that a training set of
labelled images is provided. The twenty object classes that have been selected
- Person: person
- Animal: bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep
- Vehicle: aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car, motorbike, train
- Indoor: bottle, chair, dining table, potted plant, sofa, tv/monitor
There are three main object recognition competitions: classification, detection, and
segmentation, a competition on action classification, and a competition on
large scale recognition run by ImageNet. In addition there is a “taster” competition
on person layout.
Classification/Detection Competitions
Classification: For each of the twenty classes, predicting
presence/absence of an example of that class in the test image. -
Detection: Predicting the bounding box and label of each object from the
twenty target classes in the test image.20 classes
Participants may enter either (or both) of these competitions, and can choose
to tackle any (or all) of the twenty object classes. The challenge allows for
two approaches to each of the competitions:
Participants may use systems built or trained using any methods or data
excluding the provided test sets. -
Systems are to be built or trained using only the provided training/validation
The intention in the first case is to establish just what level of success can
currently be achieved on these problems and by what method; in the second case
the intention is to establish which method is most successful given a specified
training set.
Segmentation Competition
Segmentation: Generating pixel-wise segmentations giving the class of
the object visible at each pixel, or “background” otherwise.Image
Action Classification Competition
Action Classification: Predicting the action(s) being performed by a person
in a still image.10 action classes + “other”
In 2012 there are two variations of this competition, depending on how the person whose actions are to be classified
is identified in a test image: (i) by a tight bounding box around the person; (ii) by only a single point
located somewhere on the body. The latter competition aims to investigate the performance of methods given
only approximate localization of a person, as might be the output from a generic person detector.
ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Competition
The goal of this competition is to estimate the content of photographs for the
purpose of retrieval and automatic annotation using a subset of the large
hand-labeled ImageNet dataset
labeled images depicting 10,000+ object categories) as training. Test images
will be presented with no initial annotation – no segmentation or labels – and
algorithms will have to produce labelings specifying what objects are present
the images. In this initial version of the challenge, the goal is only to
identify the main objects present in images, not to specify the location of
Further details can be found at the
ImageNet website.
Person Layout Taster Competition
Person Layout: Predicting the bounding box and label of each part of a
person (head, hands, feet).Image
Person Layout
To download the training/validation data, see the development kit.
The training data provided consists of a set of images; each image has an
annotation file giving a bounding box and object class label for each object in
one of the twenty classes present in the image. Note that multiple objects from
multiple classes may be present in the same image. Annotation was performed
according to a set of guidelines
distributed to all annotators.
A subset of images are also annotated with pixel-wise segmentation of each
object present, to support the segmentation competition.
Images for the action classification task are disjoint from those of the
classification/detection/segmentation tasks. They have been partially annotated with people,
bounding boxes, reference points and their actions. Annotation was performed
according to a set of guidelines
distributed to all annotators.
Images for the person layout taster, where the test set is disjoint from the main tasks,
have been additionally annotated with parts of the people (head/hands/feet).
The data will be made available in two stages; in the first stage, a
development kit will be released consisting of training and validation data,
plus evaluation software (written in MATLAB). One purpose of the validation set
is to demonstrate how the evaluation software works ahead of the competition
In the second stage, the test set will be made available for the actual
competition. As in the VOC2008-2011 challenges, no ground truth for the test
will be released.
The data has been split into 50% for training/validation and 50% for testing.
The distributions of images and objects by class are approximately equal across
the training/validation and test sets.
Statistics of the database are online.
Example images
Example images and the corresponding annotation for the
classification/detection/segmentation/action tasks, and person layout taster can
be viewed online:
VOC2012 vs. VOC2011
For VOC2012 the majority of the annotation effort was put into increasing the size
of the segmentation and action classification datasets, and no additional annotation was performed for
the classification/detection tasks. The list below summarizes the differences
in the data between VOC2012 and VOC2011.
Classification/Detection: The 2012 dataset is the same as that used in 2011.
No additional data has been annotated. For this reason, participants are not
allowed to run evaluation on the VOC2011 dataset, and this option on the
evaluation server has been disabled. -
Segmentation: The 2012 dataset contains images from 2008-2011 for
which additional segmentations have been prepared. As in previous years
the assignment to training/test sets has been maintained. The total number of images
with segmentation has been increased from 7,062 to 9,993. -
Action Classification: The 2012 dataset comprises the 2011 dataset
plus additional annotated images. The assignment to training/test sets has been maintained.
In addition to the box annotation, people are now also annotated with a reference point
on the body to support the “boxless” action classification task (see the development kit). -
Person Layout Taster: The 2012 dataset is the same as that used in 2011.
No additional data has been annotated. For this reason, participants are not
allowed to run evaluation on the VOC2011 dataset, and this option on the
evaluation server has been disabled.
Development Kit
The development kit consists of the training/validation data, MATLAB code for
reading the annotation data, support files, and example implementations for
each competition.
The development kit is now available:
Test Data
The test data will be made available according to the challenge timetable. Note that the only
annotation in the data is for the action task and layout taster. As in 2008-2011,
there are no current plans to release full annotation – evaluation of results will be
provided by the organizers.
The test data can be downloaded from the evaluation server.
You can also use the evaluation server to evaluate your method on the test data.
Useful Software
Below is a list of software you may find useful, contributed by participants
to previous challenges.
May 2012: Development kit (training and validation data plus evaluation
software) made available. - 25th June 2012: Test set made available.
- 23rd September 2012 (Sunday, 2300 hours GMT): Deadline for submission of results (there will be no extension).
- 12th October 2012: Challenge workshop in association with ECCV 2012.
Submission of Results
Participants are expected to submit a single set of results per method
employed. Participants who have investigated several algorithms may submit one
result per method. Changes in algorithm parameters do not constitute a
different method – all parameter tuning must be conducted using the training
and validation data alone.
Results must be submitted using the automated evaluation server:
It is essential that your results files are in the correct format.
Details of the required file formats for submitted results can be found in the
development kit documentation. The results files should be collected in a single
archive file (tar/tgz/tar.gz).
Participants submitting results for several different methods (noting the
definition of different methods above) should produce a separate archive
for each method.
In addition to the results files, participants will need to additionally
- contact details and affiliation
- list of contributors
- description of the method (minimum 500 characters) – see below
Since 2011 we require all submissions to be accompanied by an abstract describing
the method, of minimum length 500 characters. The abstract will be
used in part to select invited speakers at the challenge workshop. If you are unable to
submit a description due e.g. to commercial interests or other issues of confidentiality
you must contact the organisers to discuss this. Below are two example descriptions, for
classification and detection methods previously presented at the challenge workshop.
Note these are our own summaries, not provided by the original authors.
Example Abstract: Object classification
Based on the VOC2006 QMUL description of LSPCH by Jianguo Zhang,
Cordelia Schmid, Svetlana Lazebnik, Jean Ponce in sec 2.16 of
The PASCAL Visual Object Classes Challenge 2006 (VOC2006) Results.
We make use of a bag-of-visual-words method (cf Csurka et al 2004).
Regions of interest are detected with a Laplacian detector (Lindeberg,
1998), and normalized for scale. A SIFT descriptor (Lowe 2004) is then
computed for each detection. 50,000 randomly selected descriptors from
the training set are then vector quantized (using k-means) into k=3000
“visual words” (300 for each of the 10 classes). Each image is then
represented by the histogram of how often each visual word is used.
We also make use a spatial pyramid scheme (Lazebnik et al, CVPR 2006).
We first train SVM classifiers using the chi^2 kernel based on the
histograms of each level in the pyramid. The outputs of these SVM
classifiers are then concatenated into a feature vector for each image
and used to learn another SVM classifier based on a Gaussian RBF
kernel. -
Example Abstract: Object detection
Based on “Object Detection with Discriminatively Trained Part Based Models”;
Pedro F. Felzenszwalb, Ross B. Girshick, David McAllester and Deva Ramanan;
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,
Vol. 32, No. 9, September 2010.
We introduce a discriminatively-trained parts-based model for object
detection. The model consists of a coarse “root” template of HOG
features (Dalal and Triggs, 2006), plus a number of higher-resolution
part-based HOG templates which can translate in a neighborhood
relative to their default position. The responses of the root and part
templates are combined by a latent-SVM model, where the latent
variables are the offsets of the parts. We introduce a novel training
algorithm for the latent SVM. We also make use of an iterative
training procedure exploiting “hard negative” examples, which are
negative examples incorrectly classified in an earlier iteration.
Finally the model is scanned across the test image in a
“sliding-window” fashion at a variety of scales to produce candidate
detections, followed by greedy non-maximum suppression. The model is
applied to all 20 PASCAL VOC object detection challenges.
If you would like to submit a more detailed description of your method, for
a relevant publication, this can be included in the results archive.
Best Practice
The VOC challenge encourages two types of participation: (i) methods which
are trained using only the provided “trainval” (training + validation) data;
(ii) methods built or trained using any data except the provided
test data, for example commercial systems. In both cases the test
data must be used strictly for reporting of results alone – it must not
be used in any way to train or tune systems, for example by runing multiple
parameter choices and reporting the best results obtained.
If using the training data we provide as part of the challenge development kit,
all development, e.g. feature selection and parameter tuning, must
use the “trainval” (training + validation) set alone. One way is to divide the
set into training and validation sets (as suggested in the development kit).
Other schemes e.g. n-fold cross-validation are equally valid. The tuned
algorithms should then be run only once on the test data.
In VOC2007 we made all annotations available (i.e. for training, validation
and test data) but since then we have not made the test annotations available.
Instead, results on the test data are submitted to an evaluation server.
Since algorithms should only be run once on the test data we strongly
discourage multiple submissions to the server (and indeed the number of
submissions for the same algorithm is strictly controlled), as the evaluation
server should not be used for parameter tuning.
We encourage you to publish test results always on the latest release of the
challenge, using the output of the evaluation server. If you wish to compare
methods or design choices e.g. subsets of features, then there are two options:
(i) use the entire VOC2007 data, where all annotations are available; (ii)
report cross-validation results using the latest “trainval” set alone.
In line with the Best Practice procedures (above) we restrict the number of times
that the test data can be processed by the evaluation server. To prevent any abuses
of this restriction an institutional email address is required when registering
for the evaluation server. This aims to prevent one user registering multiple times
under different emails. Institutional emails include academic ones, such as [email protected],
and corporate ones, but not personal ones, such as [email protected] or [email protected].
Publication Policy
The main mechanism for dissemination of the results will be the challenge
The detailed output of each submitted method will be published
online e.g. per-image confidence for the classification task, and bounding
boxes for the detection task. The intention is to assist others in the
community in carrying out detailed analysis and comparison with their own
methods. The published results will not be anonymous – by submitting results,
participants are agreeing to have their results shared online.
If you make use of the VOC2012 data, please cite the following reference (to be
prepared after the challenge workshop) in any publications:
@misc{pascal-voc-2012, author = "Everingham, M. and Van~Gool, L. and Williams, C. K. I. and Winn, J. and Zisserman, A.", title = "The {PASCAL} {V}isual {O}bject {C}lasses {C}hallenge 2012 {(VOC2012)} {R}esults", howpublished = ""}
Database Rights
The VOC2012 data includes images obtained from the “flickr” website.
Use of these images must respect the corresponding terms of use:
For the purposes of the challenge, the identity of the images in the
database, e.g. source and name of owner, has been obscured.
Details of the contributor of each image can be found in the annotation
to be included in the final release of the data, after completion of the
Any queries about the use or ownership of the data should be addressed to the
- Mark Everingham (University of Leeds)
- Luc van Gool (ETHZ, Zurich)
- Chris Williams (University of Edinburgh)
- John Winn (Microsoft Research Cambridge), [email protected]
- Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford)
We gratefully acknowledge the following, who spent many long hours providing
annotation for the VOC2012 database:
Yusuf Aytar, Lucia
Ballerini, Hakan Bilen, Ken Chatfield, Mircea Cimpoi, Ali Eslami,
Basura Fernando, Christoph Godau, Bertan Gunyel, Phoenix/Xuan
Huang, Jyri Kivinen, Markus Mathias, Kristof Overdulve,
Konstantinos Rematas, Johan Van Rompay, Gilad Sharir, Mathias
Vercruysse, Vibhav Vineet, Ziming Zhang, Shuai Kyle Zheng.
We also thank Yusuf Aytar for continued development and administration
of the evaluation server, and Ali Eslami for analysis of the results.
The preparation and running of this challenge is supported by the EU-funded
PASCAL2 Network of Excellence on Pattern Analysis, Statistical
and Computational Learning.
History and Background
The main challenges have run each year since 2005. For more background
on VOC, the following journal paper discusses some of the choices we made and
our experience in running the challenge, and gives a more in depth
discussion of the 2007 methods and results:
The PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
Everingham, M., Van Gool, L., Williams, C. K. I., Winn, J. and Zisserman, A.
International Journal of Computer Vision, 88(2), 303-338, 2010
Bibtex source |
Abstract |
The table below gives a
brief summary of the main stages of the VOC development.
New developments
Only 4 classes: bicycles, cars, motorbikes, people.
Train/validation/test: 1578 images containing 2209 annotated objects.
Two competitions: classification and detection
Images were largely taken from exising public datasets, and were not as
challenging as the flickr images subsequently used. This dataset is obsolete.
10 classes:
bicycle, bus, car, cat, cow, dog,
horse, motorbike, person, sheep.
Train/validation/test: 2618 images containing 4754 annotated objects.
Images from flickr and from Microsoft Research Cambridge (MSRC) dataset
The MSRC images were easier than flickr as the photos often concentrated
on the object of interest. This dataset is obsolete.
20 classes:
- Person: person
- Animal: bird, cat, cow, dog, horse, sheep
- Vehicle: aeroplane, bicycle, boat, bus, car,
motorbike, train - Indoor: bottle, chair, dining table, potted plant, sofa,
9,963 images containing 24,640 annotated objects.
- Number of classes increased from 10 to 20
- Segmentation taster introduced
- Person layout taster introduced
- Truncation flag added to annotations
- Evaluation measure for the classification challenge
changed to Average Precision. Previously it had been ROC-AUC.
This year established the 20 classes, and these have been fixed
since then. This was the
final year that annotation was released for the testing data.
20 classes. The data is split (as usual) around 50% train/val and
50% test. The train/val data has 4,340 images containing 10,363 annotated
- Occlusion flag added to annotations.
- Test data annotation no longer made public.
- The segmentation and person layout data sets include images from
the corresponding VOC2007 sets.
20 classes. The train/val data has
7,054 images containing 17,218 ROI annotated
objects and 3,211 segmentations.
- From now on the data for all tasks consists of the previous years’ images
augmented with new images. In
earlier years an entirely new data set was released each year for the
classification/detection tasks. - Augmenting allows the number of images to grow each year,
and means that test results can be compared on the previous years’ images. - Segmentation becomes a standard challenge (promoted from a taster)
- No difficult flags were provided for the additional images (an omission).
- Test data annotation not made public.
20 classes. The train/val data has
10,103 images containing 23,374 ROI annotated
objects and 4,203 segmentations.
- Action Classification taster introduced.
- Associated challenge on large scale classification
introduced based on ImageNet. - Amazon Mechanical Turk used for early stages of the annotation.
- Method of computing AP changed. Now uses all data points rather than
TREC style sampling. - Test data annotation not made public.
20 classes. The train/val data has
11,530 images containing 27,450 ROI annotated
objects and 5,034 segmentations.
- Action Classification taster extended to 10 classes + “other”.
- Layout annotation is now not “complete”: only people are annotated and
some people may be unannotated.
20 classes. The train/val data has
11,530 images containing 27,450 ROI annotated
objects and 6,929 segmentations.
- Size of segmentation dataset substantially increased.
- People in action classification dataset are additionally
annotated with a reference point on the body.
- Datasets for classification, detection and person layout are the same as VOC2011.