The Starving Games Movie Script
Hey, Kantmiss!
I am the great
and powerful–
Just wanted
to surprise you.
You made me miss my shot.
Son of a b*tch!
My back!
Look what I got.
Is it real?
It’s gag bread!
Look at you.
You know…
we could run away
from here.
We could live
someplace else.
Like where?
Anywhere that’s
better than here.
Darfur. Syria.
New Jersey.
Dale, that’s–that’s
romantic and all…
but I can’t leave
my sister.
I can’t leave either.
My dear, old grandma
depends on me to feed her.
God, I am never
having kids.
I mean, how can
you raise a child
in a world
where they televise
all of life’s misery and
inhumanity and then pass it off
as some sort of twisted
“The Hunger Games.”
“16 and Pregnant.”
Good morning,
hungry citizens
of District 12.
In today’s news,
we still have no food,
and the weather
will be shitty.
Oh, and don’t forget,
today is
the Gathering Ceremony,
so, parents, please bring
your beloved children
to the square
for a random death lottery.
Thank you.
I heard that some kids
are so afraid
of getting picked
for the Games
that they’ll actually
try to get disqualified
by injuring or
maiming themselves.
That’s an urban legend.
Get in line.
Oh, come on,
Ipso facto p–
Your movie franchise
is over.
Get back in line.
Get back in line.
Bloody dick.
Hey, no talking.
Keep it moving.
I gotta find my sister.
Good luck.
Hey, Mom.
I’m scared, Kantmiss.
I’m scared.
Hey, hey, don’t be.
I got you this.
It’s the most courageous bird
that there is…
a chicken.
When you wear this,
nothing bad can happen to you.
Shh. Shh.
No, don’t cry.
You’re gonna
be fine, okay?
I promise.
Keep moving.
Line up!
Girls on the right.
Boys on the left!
Welcome to the 75th annual
Starving Games.
Oh. Oh! Ohh!
But that was
my sausage!
And now a video
from our esteemed leader,
President Snowballs.
He once killed
his own mother…
because she forgot to cut
the crust off his PB&J.
His only Facebook friend
is Mel Gibson.
He has an online blog
that gives away
the endings of movies
without ever using the
disclaimer “spoiler alert.”
He is…
the most terrible man
in the world.
I don’t always like beer,
but when I want one,
I choose Tres Equis.
Tastes like piss water.
Every year, I make you
watch this video,
because, well,
you’re dumb.
People forget
how in the past
sh*t really hit the fan.
Corporations got too big,
and people lost trust.
They staged sit-ins.
They rioted.
You elected Lady Gaga
as President
and her running mate
Nicki Minaj.
That’s why we wear
these kooky clothes now
and have bizarre hairdos.
Then I took over
and separated the country
into districts
so that stupid sh*t
never happened again.
You’ve proven that democracy
doesn’t work,
and I’m here, in my sixth
self-proclaimed term,
to ensure that all free will
is expunged,
never to rear
its ugly head again.
Yes, that brings us
to today.
Just to prove what
a sick, sadistic prick I am
and how you have
no control…
and admittedly after
watching “The Running Man”
and the Japanese
cult hit “Battle Royale,”
I came up with
the Starving Games.
Two kids from each district
are selected
to play a game to the death
with only one survivor.
The winner is to be
showered with a bounty,
including an old ham…
Oh, I love old ham.
this coupon to Subway–
buy any foot-long
for a six-inch price–
a partially eaten pickle.
So happy Starving Games,
and may the odds be