Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies in Vietnam – Bestarion

Top 10 Offshore Software Development Companies in Vietnam

Offshore software development services have emerged as a viable option for Western companies seeking to compete in a competitive and expensive industry. But how can you apply the model to your own company?

We break it down in this blog post, explaining what offshoring is, the real benefits of the offshore model, and how you may outsource your software development activities to another country.

1. What is offshore software development?

Offshore software development means transferring a project (completely or partially) from a client to a third-party software development vendor.

However, if you want to outsource the entire construction process, you should deal with a software development company rather than a freelancer. The truth is, a freelancer could be an expert in one or several related fields (e.g., mobile or web development, etc.). To make a smartphone app, for example, you’ll need at least one professional designer, quality assurance engineer, and software developer.

Offshore software development companies

You can locate such an IT vendor to work with if you use one of three main methods of outsourcing service delivery: onshore, nearshore, or offshore. Right now, we’ll go over each of them in more detail.

Onshore Outsourcing

The term “onshore” (or “domestic”) outsourcing refers to a vendor who is based in the same country as you. This proximity is an important aspect in onshore outsourcing because it eliminates linguistic and cultural barriers, as well as time zone differences (which contrasts sharply with development offshore software). Easy-to-organize live meetings can help to address difficulties more quickly and efficiently. You may also monitor the development workflow of your partner with less effort and time.

However, keep in mind that this technique is only appropriate if money isn’t an issue. Onshore outsourcing is often more expensive due to higher tax rates and worker pay. You may potentially encounter a talent scarcity in the field of technology.

Nearshore Outsourcing

Your contractor will be located in a neighboring country if you use this outsourcing approach. It also provides benefits that are practically identical to those of the previous outsourcing type: because of the small time difference (or even the absence of one), you can simply monitor your vendor’s operations and address any issues that arise. There may also be no substantial cultural or language barriers, allowing you and your contractor to focus entirely on the project and complete it in the shortest period possible.

However, you should be aware that nearshoring is a high-cost option that should not be chosen if you are on a limited budget.

Offshore Outsourcing

When it comes to outsourcing software development, you should expect the company’s headquarters to be far away from your location, such as in Central Europe or Asia. With flexible and competitive price sets and labor resources, they are the most preferred outsourcing locations.

When outsourcing a project to an offshore development team, keep the following in mind. A considerable time zone difference can impair the development workflow due to the geographic distance between you and your offshore software development vendor. You may also encounter significant cultural and linguistic hurdles, but all of these issues are easily resolved if properly managed, as we’ll detail later.

In this sense, the outsourcing model is mostly determined by your location and the location of the company with whom you partner. If you’re from the United States and outsource to Estonia, for example, you’ll need to apply for offshore software development services because the time zones may be different.

2. Benefits of Offshore Software Development?

It’s not easy to decide whether to build software in-house or engage an offshore development partner. Offshoring software development, however, is a compelling commercial proposal when you consider the advantages:

Lower Cost

Maintaining an in-house IT workforce with knowledge in the latest technologies is difficult and expensive. You won’t have to invest in IT infrastructure or spend time finding, hiring, and training personnel if you outsource your software development.

Access to a large talent pool

You can gain access to a large pool of experienced and knowledgeable software engineers who have substantial experience developing software applications to worldwide standards and quality through offshore development. Furthermore, because the offshore partner has worked on international custom software development projects for previous clients, they are familiar with the problems.

Faster time-to-market

You can be sure that skilled professionals are working around the clock to provide quality software when you have a dedicated team for each project. Not only will you be able to complete tasks faster, but you will also be able to ensure that your product reaches the market sooner. Furthermore, an outside team can provide fresh perspectives on how to improve your business processes, allowing you to take advantage of innovation and creativity at every level of the software development process.

3. Why Vietnam for your final destination for offshore development?

The Information Technology human resources market is still thriving on a daily basis. India, Vietnam, Ukraine, Poland, Singapore, and China are some of the most well-known names in the world of technology. These countries are at the top of the list when it comes to service quality. They also come with reasonable costs and enthusiastic youthful human resources who are always committed to the project. Written communications are normal and without serious concerns, yet conducting a live or e-meeting may take some getting used to.

In the field of offshore software development, Vietnam is gradually rising to dominate and express its competitive position. Vietnam has given worldwide clients with a range of international-level projects, with low service costs and enthusiastic assistance from the offshore development team, thanks to a population of the ideal labor force, young and dedicated to the profession. In short, Vietnam is an excellent choice for consumers searching for offshore development models because it is only 2 hours away from Singapore.

top offshore software development companies in Vietnam

It’s no coincidence that Forbes refers to Vietnam as “a small but formidable country,” and it’s also no coincidence that it was recognized as one of the top ideal places for software development outsourcing. Looking beyond the “world conference” prospects, the Vietnamese government has identified the potential to be considered as a global leader in software development, and is instead laying a solid technological foundation for its success.

Situation with the disease is stable

One of the most important reasons that Vietnam is currently able to assert itself to the rest of the world in terms of political stability and working conditions is its ability to regulate and control coronavirus-related sickness.

There have been millions of COVID-19 cases worldwide, and thousands of people have died as a result of the pandemic. The Philippines has surpassed Indonesia as the region’s largest epidemic zone, particularly in Southeast Asia.

Price that is really competitive

Because the primary purpose of outsourcing is to cut expenses, countries with lower outsourcing costs will naturally have an advantage when considering this option.

India is currently the world’s most popular outsourcing destination. However, when compared within a fair pricing range, a Vietnamese developer is 30 percent less expensive than an Indian developer, with products of comparable high quality and capacity power.

Working age is young and dynamic.

Sixty percent of Vietnam’s population is under the age of 30, despite the country’s population of more than 97 million people. The government in Vietnam has taken good care of the young people in terms of education and spiritual life. As a result, the number of young software developer teams is growing, which is easy to comprehend.

4. The best offshore software development companies in Vietnam

Without the aid and technological skills of software development businesses, many enterprises would be unable to boost their productivity and attain the appropriate level of satisfaction. With ever-increasing technical demands, selecting the proper business to guide you through the process and assist you in finding the best solutions is crucial. The following is a list of the top offshore software development businesses in Vietnam in 2022 that will identify the most cost-effective strategies to accomplish their goals:

  • Waverley Software

Waverley Software-top it outsourcing in vietnam

For nearly three decades, Waverley Software has been a successful software development outsourcing firm and is the leading software outsourcing agency in Vietnam. Waverley Software is a full-cycle product development company with approximately 250 employees worldwide. They’ll help you with everything from concept to product creation to maintenance and support. Waverley focuses in Internet of Things (IoT), robots, machine learning, and mobile app development for a number of industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.

Waverley’s modern office location in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City is home to a bright and enthusiastic staff of software developers, QA engineers, designers, and project managers who possess great skills and certifications. Waverley also has its own training program for tech university graduates, which helps the company to acquire top talent early on and teach it to fulfill the company’s technical criteria and standards, as well as the needs of unique projects.

  • Saigon Technology

offshore software testing company

Saigon Technology Solutions is a software development outsourcing firm based in Vietnam that focuses on providing clients with cost-effective solutions. Customers are based in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, and the Netherlands. Custom application development, online application development, and mobile application development are among their offerings. It is regarded as one of the best software development firms in the globe. .NET Core, Java, PHP, ReactJS, Angular, Azure, AWS, microservices, and machine learning are also available from Saigon Technology Team. Kaercher, Abbott, Panasonic, Topicus, and DMI Inc are just a few of its noteworthy clients.

  • Savvycom Software

Savycom-software development

Savvycom is a Vietnamese software development business that focuses on education/e-learning software, as well as healthcare and fitness software. Web application development, mobile application development, as well as cloud and DevOps projects are the kind of projects they work on. They have a rapidly expanding team, which will shortly surpass 250 members. They have over ten years of industry expertise and have executed over 300 projects for customers ranging from small businesses to huge enterprises.

  • Elinext

custom software development company

Elinext is a software outsourcing company based in Vietnam and Belarus that has been in business for 23 years. They employ 500 people and specialize on Java,.NET, PHP, and C++. Elinext possesses expertise in software development, web development, mobile app development, and even quality assurance and software testing. They work on projects in a variety of industries, but they specialize in healthcare, finance and banking, and manufacturing, to name a few.

  • Beetsoft Co LTD

it outsourcing vietnam

Beetsoft Co. is a global outsourcing firm that employs over 400 developers around the world. Beetsoft Co works on a wide range of projects, including mobile app development, web development, and even game development, employing technologies such as AngularJS, NodeJS, Java, and Swift. They have recently shifted their attention to the healthcare, finance, and manufacturing industries.

  • Co-Well Asia

"vietnam outsourcing companies "

Co-Well is a leading Vietnam software outsourcing company with 400 employees. Their offices are located in Hanoi and Da Nang, respectively. Ecommerce projects, website and application development, and software testing services are among their specialties. In addition to those services, they are one of the few outsourcing firms with expertise in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.

offshore outsourcing software company

Bestarion is a subsidiary company of Larion ( and provides software development/consultation services specializing in Healthcare Supply Chain, Financial services for the last 10+ years. Bestarion has been successful in outsourcing services and notably in Ruby on Rails, C on Linux and .NET. They are a global Software Development firm providing services to clients spread across 15 countries.

  • Amaris

software outsourcing company vietnam

Amaris, which is part of a 6,000-person worldwide organization, is unquestionably the largest software outsourcing agency in Vietnam. It is one of the sector’s oldest agencies, having been founded in 2007. With such a massive firm, they have a diverse range of interests, but its primary concentration is on telecommunications, media, entertainment, consumer and retail goods, and transportation.

  • KMS Technology

it outsourcing companies in vietnam

KMS Technology is a global market leader in software development, testing services, and top-tier technology consulting. With a customer-centric approach, both US-based and offshore development teams aim to fuel organizational innovation by helping modernize  existing systems or bring new software visions to life.

  • Axon Active

offshore software development services

Axon Active started out in Switzerland before expanding to Vietnam in 2008. They specialize on web development, app development, Internet of Things (IoT), and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions. They have offices in three cities in Vietnam. They have offices in both Vietnam and the United States, in addition to their Vietnam offices.


Vietnam is an ideal place to offshore software development for your business or project. This list should prove useful in your quest for a software outsourcing firm, consultancy firm, or business processing outsourcing organization. Finding professionals who can develop utilizing your technology stack or meet your project criteria is no problem at all, with several organizations supplying everything you would desire. Vietnam provides excellent value for money.

When you cooperate with Bestarion, you’ll benefit from our 10+ years of experience in software outsourcing. Our engineers are located in the heart of Vietnam’s IT sector, in Ho Chi Minh City. As evidenced by their strong client retention record, our talented and experienced teams are capable of working on any software development project you may require. Please take a look around the site to learn more about our services and technology solutions.

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Outsourcing vs Outstaffing: Which is the best choice?
Top 10 Software Development Companies in Viet Nam 2022

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