Top 10 Types of Security Software for Your Business – MYTECHMAG

We’re mid-way into 2022, and the alarming numbers show that businesses desperately need a ‘wake-up call’ on security –

  • According to BetaNews, 93% of business networks are still vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals.
  • TechRepublic’s survey found that most business executives are still unprepared to handle cyber-attacks.
  • In its Cybersecurity Solutions for a Riskier World report, ThoughtLab revealed that, on average, instances of cyber-attacks jumped by 15.1% in 2021 compared to the previous year.
  • UpCity found that even in 2022, only 50% of SMBs have a proper cybersecurity plan.

Is the eCommerce world moving backward now? Technology and digitization gain predominance with each year; your business security measures should be at par with the evolving world. If not, you risk losing data, customers, and, worst, brand reputation.

Top 10 Types of Security Software for Your Business

Fret not! This guide will walk you through the top 10 types of security software that make for a highly secure eCommerce environment.

1. Computer Antivirus

Computer Antivirus

Source: Comodo

There are only two kinds of business owners regarding antivirus software – those that think it’s an obvious necessity and those that consider it an afterthought. But, a computer antivirus is one of the top types of security software for businesses because a single virus can corrupt more than a system.

It can create a massive cyberattack on your website, corrupting sensitive business data. If you use computers to access your website’s back-end, you can consider Avast free Antivirus, home antivirus software (by TREND MICRO), Microsoft malware removal, etc., these all periodically scan and cleans all devices on the network.

Pro Tip: We personally use antivirus software from TREND MICRO.

Summing up some important pointers about antivirus software –

  • You are secure against virus transmission
  • No need to worry about ads or spam
  • Stay protected from hackers
  • Keep sensitive business data safe
  • Supercharge your PC
  • Invest in trusted antivirus software brands such as Norton, Kaspersky, or SentinelOne

2. Network Security Software

Network Security Software

Source: Dreamstime

Yes, it’s all about data. While you are responsible for keeping your company’s data secure, you must also ensure that your client’s data is safe. All of this is highly dependent upon the security of your business’ network.

Don’t wish to fall prey to sabotage and data theft? Then, fortify your business network. There are several ways to go about this – you can use a firewall, encrypt the company WiFi, or even seek the help of organizations like Cisco that specialize in network monitoring and security.

Here are the reasons why network security software is among the top types of security software your business needs –

  • Prevents illegal access to company data
  • Protects against a majority of cyber-attacks
  • There are accessibility levels to ensure an unauthorized person does not access data
  • The software is centrally controlled, so hackers cannot easily access it
  • Frequent updates are provided from a centralized platform

Some of the top network security solutions for 2022 include SolarWinds RMM, Perimeter 81, Webroot, and Acunetix.

3. Encryption Software

Encryption Software Source

Source: Spiceworks

The encryption software uses cryptography or converts language into codes. This is done to prevent unauthorized access. From the contents of an app to a file or network packet, the encryption software can encrypt or decrypt any data.

Such software for your business network will ensure that only the sender and the intended recipient can read the information. It will be impossible for unauthorized persons to access that data.

Some top benefits of encryption software for business include –

  • Data encryption can spare you regulatory fines
  • Your remote workers stay protected due to encryption
  • Since encryption increases data integrity, you have accurate and precise insights
  • Naturally, encryption enhances customer trust in your business

If you’re planning to implement encryption software for your business, some top picks include Folder lock, AxCrypt, Secure IT, and VeraCrypt.

4. Password Managers

Password Managers

Source: Arconnet

Also known as password management software or tools, password managers were developed to enable users to reset their passwords in case of an account lock-out. These tools can also help synchronize passwords so that multiple applications can be run using the same password.

One significant benefit of password management software is that they help generate stronger and more unique passwords. This dramatically reduces the chances of the account being hacked.

As per the Data Breach Investigation Report of 2020 by Verizon Business, 81% of cyber breaches were done through password hacking. Only a strong password can create that barrier to keep cybercrimes at bay.

The password management tool is among the top types of security software your business needs in 2022. That being said, here are some pointers to note –

  • A password manager will give you a single platform to store all passwords.
  • You can generate random passwords for individual accounts.
  • You get easy access to multiple accounts.
  • A password manager will make password resetting as easy as ABC.
  • You can securely share passwords with coworkers.
  • You can use the software across multiple devices.

It’s time to take IT security seriously. Get started with these password managers – 1Password, RoboForm, NordPass, or DashLane.

5. Anti-Spyware Software

Anti-Spyware Software

Source: Norton

Spyware is sneaky software designed to hack information through a user’s browsing behaviors. They can even gather highly personal and confidential data, including usernames and passwords. Worse, spyware works in the background, so you may not even know your system has them.

Anti-spyware software is designed to detect and remove these bugs from the system. The software will work 24×7 to detect spyware and keep your system clean and safe. This helps protect your company and your customers’ privacy across devices.

Let’s condense the reasons why anti-spyware made to the list of the best types of security software for businesses in 2022 –

  • Scans website data, incoming emails, and downloaded programs to ensure no spyware is found
  • Prevents new spyware infections by scanning all affected web-based programs and URLs
  • It can be installed over several operating systems
  • Offers real-time protection
  • Remains unmodified by malware due to run-time protections
  • Offers round-the-clock protection

Some top spyware removal tools in the 2022 digital landscape include SUPERAntiSpyware, Spybot, SpywareBlaster, and Malwarebytes.

6. Firewalls


Source: Liquid Web

This software analyzes and scans outbound and inbound data to prevent unauthorized entry. A unique feature of firewalls is that they can be customized. For example – specific apps can be allowed to pass through without getting flagged as a threat.

Your business needs a solid firewall to ensure your organization’s assets and data are not at risk of being hacked. Besides security, firewall software can also be used to limit network bandwidth. This could extend to images, music, or videos unrelated to business.

Here’s the gist of why firewall ranks among the top 10 types of security software in 2022 –

  • Monitors network traffic closely
  • Prevents virus attacks
  • Keeps hacking at bay
  • Promotes greater privacy
  • Narrows down network bandwidth to receive relevant data

Top business firewall software includes ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer, System Mechanic Ultimate Defense, and SolarWinds Network Firewall Security Management.

7. Bot Mitigation

Bot Mitigation

Source: Avi Networks

Given the digitized era, it is not just humans you need to keep your data safe from. Bots or pesky robots are also capable of hacking information from your website.

These are ‘automated’ hackers who can be found posting spammy and fake comments on posts. They also actively steal any sensitive data from online content. But their threat can be seen as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks or content duplication.

Bot mitigation software keeps these vulnerability-probing malicious bots from stealing information and corrupting data.

Listed below are the benefits of bot mitigation solutions –

  • Metrics clean-up through reduction of bot traffic
  • Minimized risk to online applications
  • Reduction in fraudulent monetary losses
  • Better brand reputation
  • Enhanced customer experience
  • A proactive approach to staying ahead of attackers

Invest in any of these top bot mitigation software – Arkose Labs, PerimeterX Bot Defender, or DataDome Bot Mitigation.

8. Intrusion Prevention Systems

Intrusion Prevention Systems

Source: Okta

These tools mainly act as an additional layer of network security, removing specific apps and programs designed to conduct vulnerability exploits. If the software detects any malicious activity anywhere in the network, it will report the same to a centralized location or an administrator.

The IPS is the advanced version of the Intrusion Detection System – the latter leaves it off at detection, whereas the former will go beyond blocking and preventing the app from gaining entry again.

Wondering why additional security software made it to the list of top 10 types of security software for business in 2022? Because –

  • It works in tandem with other security solutions and can identify threats that others might miss
  • It acts as the gatekeeper, blocking malicious traffic before reaching other security devices. This reduces the workload on other devices.
  • It is automated, so the set-up is not time-consuming
  • It can be customized to offer enterprise-specific security controls

Some top Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS) include FireEye Network Security, McAfee Network Security Platform, and Secureworks Managed iSensor Network Intrusion Prevention System.

9. Log Management Software

Log Management Software

Source: Software Testing Help

Critical to compliance and system security, a log management tool or software is designed to automate all processes and policies that go into managing a system’s log data cycle. This includes processes such as storage, transmission, analysis, archiving, and the final disposal of the data log created.

Log management is critical as it helps maintain the integrity and confidentiality of data. In fact, the Center for Internet Security considers log management to be one of its most important security controls.

Some things to note about log management software –

  • The software makes time-efficient monitoring available
  • It provides optimal cyber security
  • The software enables automated troubleshooting with a closer view of your system’s health.
  • It simplifies the data log, making it easier to find any individual information.

The top log management software of 2022 includes Site24x7, SolarWinds Log Analyzer, and Datadog.

10. Monitoring Tools

Monitoring Tools

Source: Security Finder Schweiz

Some companies offer security monitoring services. However, not every small and mid-sized business enterprise can afford such services. To help such companies, self-managing security monitoring tools have been developed.

The other software on this list provides security from hackers, malware, and malicious bots. Security monitoring tools, on the other hand, help you check the business network, critical IT operations, websites, etc.

The reasons why these tools also deserve a place among the top types of security software are –

  • Quick detection of defects for faster resolutions
  • Seamless integration with IT Service Alerting (ITSA) applications
  • Integration with communication APIs for quicker notifications
  • Round-the-clock security monitoring
  • Unified view into metrics and data logs

Invest in these security monitoring tools to get the peace of mind you long for – CloudMonix, Dynatrace, LogDNA, or Site24x7.

Most Common FAQs Surrounding Business Security Software

1. Do I need to invest in different types of security software?

Well, the business landscape has never been this tough and competitive. No wonder hackers and bots are circulating the space, trying their best to corrupt or steal data. While it may not be necessary for your business to install every single software listed here, you need to do some research.

This means, finding out which attacks are the most common in your industry, how strong your internal teams are, etc. Small businesses are more prone to cyber-attacks, so take solid measures. Use at least a combination of the software mentioned above to ensure every area of business operations is secure.

2. Is it safe to use FREE security tools and software?

Many companies provide FREE security software and tools, claiming that you can enjoy the same level of protection as paid tools. But 9 out of 10 such companies are fraudulent. As the proverbial saying goes, “nothing worth having comes free.”

Such free tools are primarily developed to hack into your system and weaken security and corrupt data, so it’s better to get paid tools as they’re an investment into the future.

Let’s Wind Up!

Finally, whenever you have doubts about using security software, just remember – no business owner ever regretted having too much security! The cost of cleaning up after a cyberattack far exceeds the cost of having different types of security software installed.

What’s more, your customers’ trust and your business’ reputation (closely tied together) are at stake! Since cyber-attacks are not just a small “oops,” you must take precautionary measures soon.

Gracie Johnson

Gracie Johnson is a Senior Content Writer at MyTechMag. She is an enthusiastic learner and loves to explore all the areas of technology.

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