Top Team Building Games – cityHUNT

Rules: Each team will need to line up in a straight line (each participant standing 8-10 feet apart in the line). When the instructor says “GO!”, the first player in the line will build a pyramid with the paper cups with 4 cups at the base. Once the pyramid is built, the second player will come over and help the first player carry the pyramid to the second player’s spot in line.  Once they get to the second player’s spot, the second player must knock down the pyramid and the two must work together to rebuild it and carry it to the third player’s spot. Each time they get to a new spot, the pyramid must be knocked down and started over. This will continue on until the pyramid reaches the end of the line and is rebuilt for the last time. The teams are free to choose how they would like to move the pyramid. If the pyramid falls at all throughout the moving process, they must stop where they are, rebuild it, and keep moving. Each teammate must participate in the moving process once the pyramid reaches their spot in line. The team to make it to the end of their line with a rebuilt pyramid wins.

Objective: The objective of this activity is to work together as a team and delegate roles and responsibilities between team members as well as strengthen communication.


Number of Participants: any number of teams (4-6 people per team)

Tools Needed: 10 paper cups and an open area