Tutorial: Setting Up Node.js on an Amazon EC2 Instance – AWS SDK for JavaScript
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Mục lục bài viết
Tutorial: Setting Up Node.js on an
Amazon EC2 Instance
A common scenario for using Node.js with the SDK for JavaScript is to set up and run a Node.js web
application on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance. In this tutorial, you will create a Linux
instance, connect to it using SSH, and then install Node.js to run on that instance.
This tutorial assumes that you have already launched a Linux instance with a
public DNS name that is reachable from the Internet and to which you are able to
connect using SSH. For more information, see Step 1:
Launch an Instance in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
You must also have configured your security group to allow SSH
22), HTTP
(port 80), and HTTPS
(port 443) connections. For
more information about these prerequisites, see Setting Up with Amazon
Amazon EC2 in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
The following procedure helps you install Node.js on an Amazon Linux instance. You
can use this server to host a Node.js web application.
To set up Node.js on your Linux instance
Connect to your Linux instance as
using SSH. -
Install node version manager (nvm) by typing the following at the command
AWS does not control the following code. Before you run it, be sure
to verify its authenticity and integrity. More information about this
code can be found in the nvm
GitHub repository.curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.3/install.sh | bash
We will use nvm to install Node.js because nvm can install multiple
versions of Node.js and allow you to switch between them. -
Activate nvm by typing the following at the command line.
. ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
Use nvm to install the latest version of Node.js by typing the
following at the command line.nvm install --lts
This installs the latest LTS release of Node.js.
Amazon Linux 2 does not currently support the current LTS release (version 18.x) of Node.js. Use Node.js version 16.x with the following command instead.
nvm install 16
Installing Node.js also installs the Node Package Manager (npm) so you can
install additional modules as needed. -
Test that Node.js is installed and running correctly by typing the
following at the command line.node -e "console.log('Running Node.js ' + process.version)"
This displays the following message that shows the version of Node.js that
is running.Running Node.js
The node installation only applies to the current Amazon EC2 session.
If you restart your CLI session you need to use nvm to enable the installed node
version. If the instance is terminated, you need to install node again.
The alternative is to make an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) of the Amazon EC2 instance
once you have the configuration that you want to keep,
as described in the following topic.
Creating an Amazon
Machine Image
After you install Node.js on an Amazon EC2 instance, you can create an Amazon Machine
Image (AMI) from that instance. Creating an AMI makes it easy to provision multiple
Amazon EC2 instances with the same Node.js installation. For more information about
creating an AMI from an existing instance, see Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux
AMI in the Amazon EC2 User Guide for Linux Instances.
Related Resources
For more information about the commands and software used in this topic, see the
following web pages:
node version manager (nvm): see nvm repo on
GitHub. -
node package manager (npm): see npm