Using JavaScript Promises – AWS SDK for JavaScript

The AWS SDK for JavaScript version 3 (v3) is a rewrite of v2 with some great new features, including modular architecture.
For more information, see the AWS SDK for JavaScript v3 Developer Guide.

Using JavaScript Promises

The AWS.Request.promise method provides a way to call a service
operation and manage asynchronous flow instead of using callbacks. In Node.js and
browser scripts, an AWS.Request object is returned when a service
operation is called without a callback function. You can call the request’s
send method to make the service call.

However, AWS.Request.promise immediately starts the service call
and returns a promise that is either fulfilled with the response data
property or rejected with the response error property.

var request = new AWS.EC2(


apiVersion: '2014-10-01'}).describeInstances();// create the promise objectvar promise = request.promise();// handle promise's fulfilled/rejected statespromise.then( function(data)


/* process the data */ }, function(error)


/* handle the error */ });

The next example returns a promise that’s fulfilled with a data
object, or rejected with an error object. Using promises, a single
callback isn’t responsible for detecting errors. Instead, the correct callback is
called based on the success or failure of a request.

var s3 = new AWS.S3(


apiVersion: '2006-03-01', region: 'us-west-2'});var params =


Bucket: 'bucket', Key: 'example2.txt', Body: 'Uploaded text using the promise-based method!'};var putObjectPromise = s3.putObject(params).promise();putObjectPromise.then(function(data)





Coordinating Multiple Promises

In some situations, your code must make multiple asynchronous calls that
require action only when they have all returned successfully. If you manage
those individual asynchronous method calls with promises, you can create an
additional promise that uses the all method. This method fulfills
this umbrella promise if and when the array of promises that you pass into the
method are fulfilled. The callback function is passed an array of the values of
the promises passed to the all method.

In the following example, an AWS Lambda function must make three asynchronous
calls to Amazon DynamoDB but can only complete after the promises for each call are

Promise.all([firstPromise, secondPromise, thirdPromise]).then(function(values)


console.log("Value 0 is " + values[0].toString); console.log("Value 1 is " + values[1].toString); console.log("Value 2 is " + values[2].toString); // return the result to the caller of the Lambda function callback(null, values);});

Browser and Node.js Support for Promises

Support for native JavaScript promises (ECMAScript 2015) depends on the
JavaScript engine and version in which your code executes. To help determine the
support for JavaScript promises in each environment where your code needs to
run, see the ECMAScript
Compatability Table on GitHub.

Using Other Promise Implementations

In addition to the native promise implementation in ECMAScript 2015, you can
also use third-party promise libraries, including:

These optional promise libraries can be useful if you need your code to run in environments that don’t support the native promise
implementation in ECMAScript 5 and ECMAScript 2015.

To use a third-party promise library, set a promises dependency on the SDK by
calling the setPromisesDependency method of the global
configuration object. In browser scripts, make sure to load the third-party
promise library before loading the SDK. In the following example, the SDK is
configured to use the implementation in the bluebird promise library.


To return to using the native promise implementation of the JavaScript engine, call setPromisesDependency again, passing
a null instead of a library name.

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