Video Game Addiction | ScreenStrong
As with any addiction, the habit must be replaced with a better activity that is not addictive. When parents commit to adding replacement activities that include physical activities, creative hobbies, in-person time with family and friends, they will begin to see improvement. Here are some of the best ways to reverse and prevent youth gaming addiction:
Pause video games through adolescence.
Video games are not necessary or mandatory for childhood. Parents who choose to skip the video gaming activity altogether will find that their child will fill their time with other habits and productive activities that are offered to them. In addition, when parents choose to allow their child to develop potential and life skills through non-addictive activities, there is less conflict in the home.
Create a friend-friendly environment. Every teen desires to build friendships but online gaming friendships are not equivalent to in-person relationships. When parents prioritize and plan in-person social get-togethers at an early age, teens will desire to continue that pattern through adolescence. Make your home the non-video gaming home where your kid’s friends want to hang out.
Foster healthy hobbies and extracurricular interests. Make exercise a priority in your family. Encourage sports, biking, hiking, running, and spending time outdoors. Discover lifetime hobbies that the whole family can enjoy together. Expand your teen’s world by exposing him to new hobbies and help him seek out peers with interesting hobbies. Studies show that teens do much better when they are engaged in two extracurricular activities during high school. This gets your teen out of isolation and into a social setting. Learning new skills also leads to more purpose, meaning, and confidence.
Become your child’s coach. Think of your parenting role as that of a coach and lead your teen. Schedule regular time on your calendar for spending time with your child. Keeping your child close to your family unit (or team) by talking about values and investing time with them will go a long way toward preventing gaming addiction.
Focus on strengthening family attachment. Your son’s gaming time has likely replaced the important role of his family time in his life. Some gamers describe their gaming world as their family. Make every effort to designate non-tech times during the week and weekends to support his need for family attachment. This will require purposeful work on your part. Take the lead by providing a ScreenStrong lifestyle and demonstrate unconditional love during the adolescent years.