What Is Agile Development and Why Is It Important? | Micro Focus

Now that we know the basics of Agile development, let’s take a more in-depth look at how it works. We can break the Agile process down into three main stages:

  1. Preparation
  2. Sprint planning
  3. Sprint

1. Preparation

In the preparation stage, the product owner creates a backlog of features they want to include in the final product. This is known as the product backlog. Then, the development team estimates how long each feature will take to build.

2. Sprint planning

The sprint planning meeting is where the team decides which features from the product backlog they are going to work on during the sprint.

A sprint is a set period (usually two weeks) during which the development team must achieve a specific goal. The team also decides how many of each type of task they can complete during the sprint.

For example, the team may decide they can complete three coding tasks, two testing tasks, and one documentation task during the sprint. This information is then added to the sprint backlog.

3. Sprint

During the sprint, the team works on completing the tasks in the sprint backlog. They may also come across new issues to address. If this happens, they will add these issues to the product backlog and prioritize them accordingly. At the end of the sprint, the development team should have completed all features in the sprint backlog.

If not, the team will carry them over to the next sprint. The team then holds a sprint review meeting where they demo completed features to the product owner and stakeholders. They also discuss what went well during the sprint and how they could improve their next one.

Finally, the team holds a retrospective meeting, where they reflect on what went well and what didn’t go so well during the sprint. They then create a plan of action for addressing these issues in future sprints. This feedback loop helps to ensure that each sprint is more successful than the last.

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