What is Attribution Modeling? What are attribution models? | Adjust

With multiple touchpoints across the customer journey, there are a number of different ways an advertiser can attribute users:


  • First Touch Attribution: This model awards credit for an advertising interaction to the first point of contact a user has with a campaign.
  • Last Touch Attribution: This model awards credit for an advertising interaction to the final point of contact a user has with a campaign.
  • Multi-Touch Attribution: This model assigns varying weights to different traffic sources for an advertising interaction, leading to multiple channels benefitting when a user interacts with a campaign.
  • View-Through Attribution: This model attributes specific impressions to installs, attributing value delivered by campaigns to ads that don’t directly lead to an install, but feature along the conversion path.

First and last click attribution are single source attribution methods, meaning a conversion is attributed to the user’s first or final click. So, if the final click before conversion was on a Google ad, Google receives 100% of the credit. In contrast to this methodology, multi-touch attribution aims to acknowledge every touchpoint that influenced a user to install (however, it’s also important to understand MTA’s vulnerability to click spam).

Attribution models can contain elements taken from all four of the methods listed above. For example, a multi-touch attribution model might assign greater weight to the final point of contact. This all depends on what an advertiser decides to set up as their attribution model.