What is Six Sigma Software | Alpha Software

The Six Sigma methodology improves quality by minimizing process inconsistency and removing defective systems. Six Sigma is grounded in data-based decisions and uses tools that perform data analysis. Other tools create control charts or process maps to improve products and services.

Lean Manufacturing is closely related to Six Sigma. However, there are also differences. The main one is that lean manufacturing focuses on the entire business, while Six Sigma reduces inefficient production processes. Lean Six Sigma combines both methods, creating a powerful solution for reducing wastage.

Six Sigma software uses the DMAIC method: Define, measure, analyze, improve, control. By reducing flawed processes and improving results, Six Sigma tools offer a “well-defined means to closed-loop continuous process improvement”. As organizations seek to identify inefficient practices, the DMAIC approach guides them to identify, solve issues and improve business processes.