What is a Software Driver?

What is a Software Driver?

What is a Software Driver?

A software driver is a type of software program that controls a hardware device. On any computer, smartphone, tablet, different hardware components that are part of the computer and attached devices need to communicate with each other for a computer to function and work.

Internal components such as the processor, memory, hard drive, and peripherals as a printer, speakers, keyboard and mouse all need to send and receive information to each other for your computer to operate. The software driver exists for each component or peripheral in order and enables that piece of hardware to communicate with other components and peripherals.

Physical connections and software connections

While a physical connection exists for data to move from one device to another across a circuit board or wire, it’s the software drivers that tell your computer what type of device is connected, what it can do, and how to communicate with it from other software on your computer, including the operating system.

Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets usually don’t need to install any additional software drivers since almost all communications with any accessory is done with WiFi or Bluetooth communication, and there’s no physical connection. The manufacturer of the accessory usually provides an app that manages the accessory.

Apple has a specific partner arrangement for hardware makers that want to attach accessories to iPhones or iPads, and the manufacturer is required to have the accessory review and approved. When the accessory maker follows this approach, Apple will include support for the accessory in the iOS operating system so it will be recognized.

Android mobile devices are a little different that Apple mobile devices since Android devices have a USB connection. It’s possible for users to connect an Android smartphone or tablet to many USB devices. As long as the manufacturer has a software driver for Android, the accessory will usually work without any special software installation.

Software drivers and operating systems

For internal components such as the processor, data ports and screen that are supplied by the computer maker you typically won’t see the software drivers or need to be aware that they even exist. Since it’s possible to connect many different types and brands of peripherals and accessories to a computer, a software driver has to exist for each one.

Depending on the operating system you use, software drivers usually come already installed on your computer. The most current versions of Apple and Microsoft operating systems include most software drivers in a library as part of the operating system. When a new piece of hardware is connected or installed the software driver is automatically installed from the library. Manufacturers of peripherals submit their software drivers to the operating system maker, so the software driver is included in the library of software drivers on your computer.

However, some computers require a separate installation of the software which is typically obtained by going to a device’s manufacturer’s website.

For example, a hardware device such as a printer is started and controlled by the software driver for that specific model of printer. When you connect the printer cable to your computer, your computer will typically detect the new printer and start the installation of the software drive from the operating system library.

The advantage of allowing the operating system to install the driver is that any software driver updates are downloaded as part of any operating system update and not from the peripheral maker’s website. Using this process of including software drivers in the operating system makes it almost effortless to update any software driver since the updates are included in the operating system updates.

Software drivers that are downloaded and installed from the peripheral or device maker’s website require that you visit the website for any update to download and install it. Sometimes the hardware maker includes a small software program with the hardware that will check for any updates and notify you if one is available. Another way hardware makers notify you of software driver updates is with an email notification if you provide your email to them when you register your product for warranty support.

Why do software drivers exist?

In older operating systems, each software program had to have it’s own instructions for communicating with accessories and peripherals. That meant that each software program needed to include instructions in the program that allowed it to communicate with specific accessories and it was up to the software program maker to include the necessary drivers in their application.

As personal computers proliferated, it was clear to the entire technology industry that continuing this path would make computers more difficult and complex, rather than simpler and easier. As a result, operating system makers created a way for any hardware accessory or component to be used by any software application. The computer user could now install the software driver for any hardware accessory or component they purchased.

With the ability to install the software driver in the operating system, the hardware accessory or component maker would provide the software driver for their product on a disk drive or CD. You might have installed a software driver for an accessory using the included CD media, and this approach was common for most computers.

Today, some accessory makers still provide CD or download versions of software drivers for very specialized hardware rather than submit their software driver to the operating system maker for inclusion in the operating system. In some other cases, the accessory maker might include some application features on their download or CD version of the software driver that offers additional, but usually non-critical features, in addition, the version included in the operating system.

Updates to software drivers

If the software driver for a component or accessory is available through the operating system, this is the best and most convenient way to install it. Updates to the software driver will be included with any operating system updates automatically.

Manufacturers websites usually have very good information about software drivers for any specific type or hardware, component or accessory. Often the easiest and simplest way to see if there is any update available is to use a web search. Just type in “software driver for brand model product” and the search engine will most likely return a link to the manufacturer’s website with help and advice on the current version of any software driver for your operating system.

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