XAMPP Free Download for PC

XAMPP is an installation package that will allow you to have Apache, MySQL, PHP, and phpMyAdmin quickly and easily without having to go through the download of each of these components individually, as it usually happens. If you have ever in the past tried to set up an Apache server and have been unsuccessful, you should know that this platform tries to make this type of procedure as easy as possible.

The disadvantage that users usually encounter in these cases is that each of the above utilities must be installed on the computer from different sites, and that causes some of them may be faulty, that they are not compatible, etc. This program has been designed precisely to avoid this kind of problem, and whoever wants to run their website and manage it can do it without difficulties.

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Just as you read it, XAMPP will allow you to install Apache, PHP, and MySQL in just a few minutes, dispensing with separate configurations. And once you are done, you will be able to perform any task you are interested in, from having your local server to generating a web server specifically to run web pages or applications. That’s up to each user because the work of this application ends before.

How does this platform work? In principle, through an installation pack, which runs automatically once you give it all the necessary permissions, and at the end, it will provide you with the requirements for your web pages.

If you do not want to install all the utilities that are part of this platform, you have to know that the only ones we are forced to download are the Apache server and the PHP language. The other internal elements of the package are optional, so you can select, during the installation procedure, if you want them or not. But for practical reasons, it is convenient to download MySQL and phpMyAdmin.

One feature or section that differentiates XAMPP from many of its main rivals is the Library Collection . Thanks to it, you can obtain information about the contents you have generated in this application. At the same time, you will see that it offers you many complementary utilities that will allow you to exploit your user experience to the maximum. Some of these utilities are the following:

  • OpenSSL
  • phpMyAdmin
  • FileZilla FTP Server
  • Webalizer

To that, we have to add a Control Panel specially designed to control each of the above utilities. From it, it is possible to start them up, manage them individually, configure them, etc. At the same time, you can see information about how each module works.

When you enter this Control Panel , you will find an initial section, the Modules . There you will see the available ones and information such as the process identifier, the port they use, etc. The other sections or areas have to do with the Notifications , which indicate whether our actions were successful. The Utilities , to access any of them whenever we want.

A piece of advice we can give you in this regard is that beyond the fact that it is possible to open several control panels simultaneously if you wish, it is advisable not to do so. In one of our tests, we saw how, when stopping the operation of a server of one of the control panels, the others were confused, believing that it was a severe error that put the system at risk, closing the program immediately and inevitably.

Another small recommendation, if, like us, you experience this inconvenience, has to do with rebooting the servers if they are not working. This is especially if you have made changes to the configuration of any of them. If the problem persists after restarting the servers, the program’s developers advise you to Restore the program to factory defaults or reinstall it.

Beyond the fact that it is an installation package that replaces several independent processes, what is the best thing about this program? For us, the enormous management capacity of each of the utilities it offers. And it is that not only the add-ons with which it counts are varied and useful, but also, from its Control Panel, we can manage them at will, which is ideal for not abounding in different software and tools.

In our experience, the software has been stable at all times, being easy to understand where each function is located. Perhaps its interface is not very pretty, but it is more than fine for a program of this type.