YouTube Thumbnail Downloader – Full Size & HD image

YouTube Thumbnail Downloader

Easily download and save thumbnail photos from YouTube video by using our fastest YouTube thumbnail downloader.

Enter a YouTube video link below

Facebook downloader

Medium (480X360)

YouTube Medium Quality Thumbnail IMAGE

Small (320X180)

YouTube Low Quality Thumbnail IMAGE

Full HD (1280X720)

YouTube HQ Thumbnail IMAGE

About YT Thumbnail Downloader

YT (You Thumbnail) YouTube thumbnail downloader allows you to download YouTube thumbnails easily and fastly. It’s an online tool, not need to install any app, entirely free for anyone to use.

What’s YouTube thumbnail?

YouTube thumbnail is the video cover image that gives a preview of the video. There are two types of YouTube thumbnail: automatically generated by YouTube, and uploaded by the creator. Thumbnails uploaded by creators are also called custom thumbnails. No matter what kind of thumbnail, its URL is hidden, you can’t find the thumbnail link on YouTube, and you can’t save it.

How many thumbnails does a YouTube video have?

A YouTube video can have up to nine thumbnails, but not every video has nine thumbnails. There are seven thumbnails guaranteed to exist:

  • Player Background 480×360
  • Start 120×90
  • Middle 120×90
  • End 120×90
  • High-Quality 480×360
  • Medium Quality 320×180
  • Normal Quality 120×90

Besides, if the video is high-definition, there will be two other sizes of the thumbnail.

  • Standard Definition 640×480
  • Maximum Resolution 1920×1080

But the most commonly used sizes are High-Quality, Medium Quality, and full size. Therefore, the YT Youtube thumbnail downloader only provides downloads in these three sizes. If you need other sizes, I’ll tell you how to get it later.

Why download thumbnails?

YouTube video thumbnails are one of the most important metadata of a video, and attentive creators will carefully design the video cover. That has resulted in most of the video covers on YouTube being beautiful, either funny or creative. It makes many people want to download and save. In general, based on the following purposes:

  1. Save YouTube thumbnail as wallpaper.
  2. Share thumbnails to your blog or social media.
  3. Download video thumbnails as a source of inspiration for video cover.

Why need a thumbnail downloader?

As we said before, the Youtube thumbnail image link is not visible, which makes it difficult to save the video cover. Although some tools can grab thumbnails, none of them as simple as the Youtube thumbnail downloader.

Where to get the YouTube video links?

Because of our thumbnail downloader downloads via video link, you must find the video link before downloading. Open the video you want to download in the browser or Youtube APP, click the share button below the video, the Youtube video link is in the pop-up interface.

YouTube thumbnail downloader features:

The YT thumbnail downloader is a good mate of YouTube creators. It mainly has the following features:

Extract YouTube thumbnails online easily

The YouTube thumbnail downloader works like an extractor, when you put video links to the search box, it extracts thumbnail images online immediately, no need to download video first.

Find and view HD thumbnails quickly

Only small and low-resolution thumbnails display on the youtube homepage, channel page, and search results page. If you want to see HD thumbnails, you need to look in the page source code. But with the YT thumbnail downloader, you only need to know the video link to view HD thumbnails quickly.

Get youtube video thumbnail image links

After entering the video link in the downloader, you will immediately get the video thumbnail. Click the picture link to see the thumbnail URL in the browser address bar.

Save thumbnails to your device

After grabbing the thumbnail with the video link, you can click the image to download and save the thumbnail.

How to use the YT thumbnail downloader?

It’s effortless to grab YouTube thumbnail by using our thumbnail downloader.

1. Copy and paste the video URL to the search box above.

2. YT thumbnail downloader automatically grabs three different sizes of thumbnails.

3. Select a thumbnail to download. We recommend downloading HD thumbnails.

How to get all size of YouTube thumbnails?

As we said before, a video can have up to 9 thumbnails of different sizes, and now I will tell you how to get all the thumbnails. Before start, you need to understand what’s a video ID.

The YouTube video ID is a unique ID used to identify the video uploaded to YouTube. Youtube video ID is used to create a unique URL for displaying videos and can be used to embed Youtube videos on any website.

The video id is usually at the end of the video URL, such as the following two video links:


The character dy6Hj0Kk-CA is the video ID. Below is a list of all nine thumbnail image links of a video, replace the video id with your own to get the video thumbnails.

  • 480×360:
  • 120×90:
  • 120×90:
  • 120×90:
  • 480×360:
  • 320×180:
  • 120×90:
  • 640×480:
  • 1920×1080:

You will find it’s not so easy to obtain video thumbnails in this way, if you don’t need the extra thumbnail size, please use our thumbnail downloader to download directly.

Can I use the downloaded thumbnails on YouTube?

The copyright of the thumbnail belongs to the creator or designer. Without the permission of the copyright owner, they can report and sue you for using the content in the thumbnail. Therefore, I don’t recommend copying the video thumbnails of others. But it can be used as a design inspiration to create your thumbnails.