BEST Metro Games: Ranking All Titles

The Metro video game series centers on a series of novels written by Dmitry Glukhovsky with the same name. The games take place in a post-apocalyptic version of the Moscow metro system, which is a refuge for the last members of the human race. Artyom, the central protagonist of the story, is the one who explores these tunnels in pursuit of other individuals who may exist outside this horrible place. That is why our Best Metro games guide lists and compares all major AAA post-apocalyptic titles against each other.

Key Takeaways

  • The Metro Franchise consists of novels and video games which started in Russia.

  • Metro is a First Person Shooter which means that the player views everything from a first-person perspective.

  • These types of games generally have a lot of violence and the main focus of the game is to shoot and destroy players or objects.

  • We are going to be listing down the Best Metro Games of all Time.

  • Games like Metro Exodus, Metro 2033, Metro Last Night, and many other titles.

The Metro video game series is widely regarded as one of the most successful instances of a post-apocalyptic survival tale in the annals of gaming’s long and illustrious history. The series is known for its thrilling plot, challenging objectives, and terrifying subterranean animals.

Here are our picks for Best Metro Games:

GameAwardRelease DateDeveloperPlatform

Metro Exodus

Nominated for Best Storytelling at Golden Joystick Awards

February 15, 2019

4A Games

PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Google Stadia, and Amazon Luna

Metro 2033


March 16, 2010

4A Games

Nintendo Switch , PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android, Xbox 360, Linux, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows, and macOS

Metro Exodus The Two Colonels


August 20, 2019

Deep Silver, 4A Games

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows

Metro Last Night

Nominated for Best Shooter Game at the VGX Game Awards in 2013

May 14, 2013

4A Games

Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Google Stadia

Metro Redux

Nominated for Best Visuals at the Global Game Awards in 2014

August 26, 2014

4A Games

SteamOS, Microsoft Windows, Linux, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia

Metro Exodus Sam Story


February 11, 2020

4A Games

PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows, Google Stadia, Linux, and macOS

1. Metro Exodus

Beyond the gloomy, depressing tunnels and the contaminated ground of Moscow are the civilizations that arise from a nuclear holocaust, as well as the future regions that are livable for new life. Even while it is a smart shift of location that broadens the scope of the Metro series, it sometimes lacks the concentration that the series has become renowned for.

Nevertheless, the firefights and stealth give recognizable and great suspense, which is complemented by simplified survival mechanisms that are vital to combat terrible adversaries. Metro Exodus becomes into a trip that focuses more on the lasting connections and bonds that unite an earnest crew of survivors as a result of Artyom and his pals pressing a one-way train ticket in the hopes of finding brighter pastures.

In the first few hours of the episode, the returning protagonist Artyom is revealed to be adamantly convinced that there is human life outside of the metro. This gets him into a lot of difficulties, and it also brings to light the fact that there is some kind of broader conspiracy at play.

Metro Exodus steers the franchise in an innovative new direction by devoting a few significant chapters to open environments in the style of a sandbox game, within which players are free to roam, investigate non-essential points of interest, and continue along the primary narrative path.

Despite the inclusion of open areas, the gameplay in Exodus is quite similar to that of the other games in the series, and for the most part, it capitalizes on the qualities that have made the series so successful. When you are up against human foes, stages that have been meticulously designed achieve a balance between the flexibility of approach and the linear, targeted pathways to goals, so producing a smooth flow inside missions.

You have complete choice over the manner in which you wish to engage in combat, thanks to all of these weapon improvements. A janky Kalashnikov may be transformed into a lethal assault rifle thanks to the huge array of modification choices that are available.

Similarly, a dinky revolver can be transformed into a powerful long-range weapon. It is a pleasant mechanism that adds an extra layer of complexity to the gameplay of gunplay. You always have the option to modify items by utilizing the items in your bag, allowing you the flexibility to adjust to new circumstances as they appear.

However, the precise narrative strands that will be followed may alter, and Metro’s morality system will be making a comeback. This system will covertly judge your behavior without openly disclosing itself. The fact that it does not always drive you into a non-lethal strategy is something that should be emphasized.

Exodus brings together a captivating gang of friends and family that you’ll want to accompany to the ends of the world. However, you may be disappointed that the prior games lacked the suspense and fascination that those games offered.


  • Despite the genre clichés, the world-building in Metro Exodus is excellent and the stories are compelling altogether.
  • The weapon customization and crafting system are solid in Metro Exodus.
  • Metro Exodus is simultaneously dazzling and captivating.
  • You feel more connected to the group and the voyage thanks to charming characters and genuine interactions in Metro Exodus.
  • Metro Exodus offers a satisfying single-player first-person campaign.


  • Even after encouraging stealth gameplay, Metro Exodus enforces frontal fights with extremely challenging bosses.
  • Open sandbox zones can be challenging to explore and a little barren in Metro Exodus.
  • Artyom doesn’t speak throughout gameplay; only during load screens in Metro Exodus.

2. Metro 2033

Underneath a frozen metropolis that was destroyed a very long time ago by the human race’s own weapons of annihilation, humanity clutches to existence. In filthy, congested stations, women compete for crumbs in the market, while elderly men lament the world they no longer have, and youngsters run about carelessly, unaware that there is a life beyond their pitiful existence below.

The boldest individuals travel out into the tunnels to barter, loot, and explore the furthest reaches of the man-made subterranean wilderness. The more stalwart spirits guard the entrances, keeping watch for the monstrous progeny of Armageddon.

This is the world of Metro 2033, where the dismal mood permeates every corner and has been carefully maintained to the point that the unrelenting darkness may begin to wear you down. Metro 2033 laid the foundation of amazing storytelling and an excellent post-apocalyptic setting, making it by far the Best Metro games released to date.

Although most of the action of the story takes place on the subway, you shouldn’t anticipate traveling through the same tunnels several times. There is a significant gap between a bandit village and an established military outpost, despite the fact that human outposts are pieced together from discarded materials and salvage.

The vast majority of living creatures that you come across on your voyage are really unpleasant. In most parts of the Metro, winged monsters and quasi-yetis exhibit particularly territorial behavior and scampering; long-nosed animals are responsible for a significant number of attacks on people.

Strong wartime weapons are hard to come by and fetch a high price, but ingenious postwar improvisations provide fascinating options. However, for every time that a monster swoons over feebly from a deadly revolver bullet, there are going to be numerous others that lash back from the implications of a headshot or wobble away from a thrilling shotgun blast.

It is made obvious early on why you are exploring both below and above ground, but the nebulous sense of urgency does not crystallize into a specific objective until a significant amount of gameplay has passed. Even if the story isn’t always consistent, Metro 2033 makes up for it by gradually revealing how deep and complex the world it takes place in is.

The first-person shooter Metro 2033 has a good sense of pace and will probably take you more than ten hours to finish. It is peppered with dramatic and emotional moments, each of which has its own quirks and quirkiness despite the fact that they add to the overall effect.

You can be certain that the game scales well and provides great graphics regardless of the settings you choose, even if the amount of detail you see in the Metro and surface worlds depends on your computer hardware. Both of these worlds have incredible levels of detail.

Your whole experience is fueled by the pervasive atmosphere, which creates a dark and captivating universe that you feel driven to explore. The video game Metro 2033 is highly recommended to anybody looking for a game that will take them on a voyage into the murky future of man.


  • The world design and environment of Metro 2033 are on top of the shelf.
  • Metro 2033 boasts a remarkable cast of characters that complements the interesting plot of the campaign.
  • The voice acting does a fantastic job of breathing life into the engrossing characters of the game.
  • The main storyline is quite immersive and thrilling which will keep the player engaged throughout the journey.
  • Metro 20133 has extremely solid controls that are fluid and responsive.
  • In terms of visuals, Metro 2033 is spectacular and awe-inducing.
  • The inventive and diverse variety of weapons provides an incredible experience for the player.


  • Enemy AI is lackluster in Metro 2033.
  • The excessive use of obsolete quick-time events can be underwhelming for some players.
  • The checkpoint system is terrible in Metro 2033.
  • Gunplay can get uninteresting after a while which might be a deal killer in this game.
  • The pace of the game gets hindered infrequently during intense situations.

3. Metro Exodus The Two Colonels

The Two Colonels is a stand-alone DLC chapter that may be played as either a prologue to the main tale of Metro Exodus or as a side story to accompany it. Col. Miller, the protagonist of “The Two Colonels,” follows in the footsteps of Col.

Khlebnikov, during his dying days, in a narrative device that is both ingenious and very successful. Khlebnikov and his son Kirill go to a New Year’s Eve party after Khlebnikov completes a mission. The party, which sadly turns out to be the last bastion of hope for Novosibirsk’s healthy community, is attended by Khlebnikov.

As the story of The Two Colonels progresses, Khlebnikov becomes involved in deadly conflict with both monsters and humans. As the people, who are eager for medication and assistance, revolt against the OSKOM, the plot deteriorates into a sad tale of a civil insurrection and a totalitarian takeover, erupting in scenes of depressingly realistic brutality.

It is safe to say that, amidst the return of some voice acting, The Two Colonels spotlights an excellent and moving story of responsibility versus a sense of morality. To describe any further would be to deliver too much away. It is a narrative about the line that separates man from soldier and about the tragic state of things that exists when helpless people who are dying somehow become The Enemy of the State.

The first significant portion of the downloadable content has players descending into the tunnels to clear out an infestation of slime and gigantic, deformed worms; yet, there is neither a sense of urgency nor the possibility of imminent danger in this section.

Even the mechanics of exploring and crafting have been somewhat scaled down, which means that there is not much to do in this phase, and what there is to do is, to be quite honest, a little bit dull.

Things do start to speed up in the second half, resulting in a lot more events, although none of it takes forever enough to have any sort of impression on the audience. Because the shooting in The Two Colonels, much like the shooting in the base game, isn’t particularly good, the decision that a significant portion of the downloadable content (DLC) will focus more on action than on horror, despite the presence of claustrophobic environments, feels like an unfitting one.

The majority of the downloadable content takes place in the past, and this fact serves only as a framing device for yet another narrative. Metro Exodus Tow Colonels tried to change the formula that was different from the base game, and as a result, it checked a few boxes and missed many. Regardless of the unique gameplay elements, we still consider this the third Best Metro game on our list.

The action in Metro Exodus: The Two Colonels is limited, but the game makes up for this by focusing heavily on the story, which is sure to captivate and even unnerve longtime fans of the Metro series.


  • The main narrative is quite enticing and keeps the player immersed.
  • A brand-new and gripping atmosphere that is rich in detail gives you the classic Metro experience.
  • Visually, Metro Exodus The Two Colonels is a great-looking game.
  • The character development in this game is incredible and it will give you a deep insight into the character’s journey throughout the game.


  • For a Metro Game, it is very short which is disappointing.
  • The world is not that extensive and does not promote exploration.
  • The final battle does not fit well with the premise of Metro Exodus The Two Colonels.

4. Metro Last Light

Metro: Last Light is an extraordinarily well-crafted first-person adventure that fills your head with the regrets of time gone by and knows the anxiety and uncertainty that emerge from solitude and stillness. The game was developed by 4A Games and published by Microsoft Studios.

In “Last Light,” you are transported back to Moscow, which has been ravaged by a nuclear war. In an effort to protect themselves from the harmful radiation and terrifying monsters that have taken over the surface, humanity has huddled together in the subterranean metro system.

It’s possible that the ending of Metro 2033 gave you the opportunity to make a significant decision, but it all depended on how you played the game.

The predicament that Artyom finds himself in lends an air of personal conflict to an otherwise tense and tensely emotional game. Your journey in Metro: Last Light will be peppered with terrifying and shocking events, as well as occult visions that will bring the past to life right in front of your own eyes.

The supernatural elements are intertwined with the fights that occur amongst the many subterranean groups, and the horrifying aspects of each component serve as two equally horrific sides of the same coin.

Story sequences are captivating, and they often take place inside the game engine and from the first-person perspective. This keeps you emotionally engaged in the events that are happening in front of you.

Out of all of these amazing weaponry, the shotgun is the one that’s simplest to fall in love with. It has a loud report when it shoots and enables you to discharge many rounds at the same time, making it an excellent backup weapon if you are ready to approach close to these animals.

Outside of the city itself, even a single breath might be considered a priceless commodity. You won’t survive without a gas mask, but masks contain filters that only last a certain amount of time before they need to be replaced.

Exploring your surroundings will lead you to uncover other filters, but this will take time, which means you will have to observe as the amount of healthy air you have access to gradually decreases.

You will often discover creatures in the darkest corridors, which are also the ones that you are not required to examine. Nevertheless, the allure of locations like these might be difficult to resist. You are enticed to enter the tunnels by the glow of mushrooms, the possibility of finding valuable ammunition, and the possibility of rescuing an innocent captive who is being held hostage by one of the hostile factions that also lurk in the tunnels.

You are not obligated to go head to head with human opponents in any way. You can gain an advantage by hiding in the darkness, which you can achieve by turning off lights or switching circuit breakers and then proceeding to sneak through enemy bases in order to avoid engaging in combat completely.

The action in Metro: Last Light is not a nonstop onslaught of bullets and monsters. And when it eventually comes time to point your shotgun at deformed fiends, the payout is richer for the spooky calm that came before.

Last Light is considerably better than its predecessor, blending storyline, shooting, and stealth into a spectacular and seamless whole.


  • Metro Last Night has riveting visuals and a solid presentation.
  • The immense world settings and eerie atmosphere add to the horror element of the game.
  • The combat system is engrossing which gives you the freedom of planning your strategy for combat with the enemies.
  • Metro Last Light contains masses of replay value due to its immersive plot and the return of the survival horror element.


  • Dubious enemy AI can mar the experience of the player.
  • Several technical issues surface throughout Metro Last Light that might frustrate some players.
  • The boss fights are unimpressive and lack the originality that would draw the player’s interest.
  • Some portions of Metro Last Light still have polishing issues.
  • The odd inclusion of nudity might not sit with some players in Metro Last Light.

5. Metro Redux

Metro Redux is a combination of two gloomy video games, each of which is burdened by the gravity of a devastated Earth with little optimism to offer. Both experiences give you time to suffocate in the dry, radioactive air; time in which you just exist; time that causes you to question how the descendants of humankind’s nuclear mistake find the desire to continue living.

There is a greater sense of foreboding in the game Metro: Last Light, as well as in the revamped version of Metro 2033 when there is a deafening quiet than when there is the backfire of a shotgun.

Metro 2033 is the game that gets the most from this new version. It now has a freshly organized plot and a visual improvement that brings it near to the standard that was established by Metro: Last Light, which was released later. This makes it seem almost like a new game.

In the Redux version of the game, a complete snowstorm is taking place, and the feeling is less of a breezy shiver and more of a searing bite. You can now see the corridor behind an explorer who has returned from an expedition rather than just a hazy sense of it before the enormous door opens.

The character models are all new, and they have replaced the originals’ lifeless expressions with faces and bodies that have a considerably more realistic appearance but one that is still a little stilted.

Given that so many members of the Metro Redux production team contributed their skills to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, it should not come as a surprise that the game owes just as much to survival horror games as it does to shooters.

You spend the same amount of time, if not more, basking in the shadows as you do shooting a weapon, and even when there is the potential for violence, you may approach many scenarios in the manner of a cautious predator. The levels in Metro: Last Light are more organized than those in Metro 2033.

This allows the computer-controlled Nazis and Communists more room to spread out and flank the player. When seen up close, each shotgun reveals itself to be an essential instrument of savagery. Again, the fact that the new weaponry and advancements included in Metro: Last Light are playable in the Redux version of 2033 contributes to the overall impression that this collection is one continuous adventure.

When you are away from combat, you will find that your fellow humans are more competent as conversationalists; they are worn out and, many times, smart.

You are often joined by others, both on the battlefield and away from it, and each of them speaks with remorse and a sort of morbid joy as if they had just drank a liter of vodka to drown their sorrows. This occurs both on the battlefield and away from it.

This collection focuses on a certain location. It is a site where one can hear the giggling of children who have passed away for very some time, as well as the screaming of airline passengers just before their deaths by burning. It is a location where you must dread both the horrible mutants who roam as well as humans; nonetheless, it is possible to find protection only with humankind.

If you have never played a Metro game so far, Metro Redux is one of the Best Metro games to kick-start your journey in 2023.


  • The gunplay is inventive and engaging in Metro Redux prior to the previous games.
  • Some mechanical enhancements allow both of the games to be on an equal scale.
  • The games that are featured in Metro Redux provide an enticing experience due to some strong changes to the interface and graphics.
  • Excellent pacing in Metro Redux allows you to experience the tension just before the battle starts.
  • Robust weapons make you feel powerful enough to stand a chance in the bleak world of Metro Redux.
  • The spooky and unique environment adds to the survival horror element of the game.


  • Occasionally, the enemy AI can get very vulnerable which can be a drag in Metro Redux.
  • Several absurd and annoying story sequences are not liked by many veteran players.
  • There are still some refining issues even after the revamping of both games.

6. Metro Exodus Sam’s Story

In many post-apocalyptic works of fiction, recurring themes include searching for a new home and coming to terms with the loss. The primary plotline of Metro Exodus does a good job at satisfying both of these criteria most of the time.

But what if you have found yourself to be an outsider in a foreign nation before the nuclear apocalypse ever started? This is the situation that Sam, the protagonist of Metro Exodus: Sam’s Story, discovers himself in. Sam’s Story is the name of the game. Sam is not of Russian descent, in contrast to the rest of his fellow Spartan Rangers.

During the whole of his stay in Russia, he has a constant desire to figure out how to go back to San Diego. His adventures lead him to Vladivostok, which is the location where the most recent downloadable content for Metro Exodus starts in earnest. The city of Vladivostok seems to have been spared a direct strike by any kind of nuclear weapon, which is a stroke of good fortune.

Despite this, it should not be assumed that the city is free from danger. Banditry is a profitable business, which is something that you probably already knew. In the city of Vladivostok, new species of monsters have made their home, and some of these creatures have quite fascinating interactions with the lighting effects in Metro Exodus. It is to Sam’s good fortune that the docks of the city house a nuclear submarine that is fully operational.

In terms of gameplay, Sam’s Story is comparable to a scaled-down version of Metro Exodus’s semi-open environment. Even though there is less environmental variety in Vladivostok due to the fact that it is a single city, the developers have not been inhibited in their ability to come up with inventive solutions.

Apartments that have been flooded, ruins that are riddled with landmines, and collapsed sewers are featured heavily. Radiation storms and fog are additional factors that contribute to the eerie atmosphere that may be found in specific locales.

The addition of a few game mechanisms that are peculiar and unequivocally hostile to players is something that comes as a surprise. The Universal Detector is going to be by far the most vexatious of all, so prepare yourself. At the beginning of the downloadable content, Sam acquires various new weapons and armor.

The aforementioned Universal Detector is one piece of the new equipment that has been acquired. It’s essentially a metal detector that you can wear on your wrist, and it’s fantastic for exploring since it can help you determine the location of hidden weapon components and landmines.

The only drawback is that since it has such a wide operating range, it continuously beeps. It is the same as carrying a lifeless smoke detector on your arm whenever you are in any kind of proximity to a structure.

The universe of Metro has been expanded in a fantastic way with Sam’s Story. Although there are certain segments that are quite linear, this does not really bring down the quality of the game as a whole. Fights against respectable “bosses” are included in the game, which is definitely a plus.

The fact that there are two unique and separate endings to the tale also makes the idea highly fascinating. From a writing point of view, the mental repercussions of Sam being away from a home that may not exist anymore could have certainly been developed further. However, the plot as a whole works quite well without any changes.

It goes without saying that Sam’s Story is not flawless; yet, it maintains the quality delivered by the main game in a nice small package without losing too much on the gameplay time.


  • Fantastic weather effects complement the already incredible visuals of Metro Exodus Sam’s Story.
  • The addition of new weapons that are diverse in variety keeps the player regaled throughout the game.
  • The gameplay of Metro Exodus Sam’s Story provides a great blend of open world and linearity.
  • A great protagonist who has a decent amount of depth and fits extremely well in the plot.


  • The checkpoint system is lackluster, especially when exploring the open world it can be an annoyance for many players.
  • Metro Exodus Sam’s Story suffers from poor writing and a bland narrative.
  • Realistic landmines can be a pain to deal with sometimes.
  • Cringy dialogues on some events can be irritating in Metro Exodus Sam’s Story.


The fictitious universe described in Glukhovsky’s first book serves as the backdrop for each and every one of the Metro narratives. Although it only detailed his personal image of a post-apocalyptic Moscow, the events in the novels that are part of the expanded universe take place in a broad range of locations throughout all the Metro series of video game worlds.

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