Cybersecurity Real-Time Live Threat Maps | College of Arts and Sciences
It’s interesting to watch who is initiating cyber-attack globally live. Every 39 seconds, a cyber-attack occurs. Thousands of website gets hacked every day due to vulnerable files, plugins, misconfiguration on the servers, etc. A cyber threat map, also known as a cyber-attack map, is a real-time map of the computer security attacks that are going on at any given time. Cyber-attack maps are valuable tools that give information on how to stay ahead of attacks. A cyber-attack map shows how the Internet functions in a graphical way and can be useful to see the big picture. Even though we’re talking about enormous amounts of damage that cybercriminals cause, the maps themselves can be fascinating to watch. They give you a visualization on why cybersecurity professionals are in such high demand. The following are the top cybersecurity live threat maps and will mesmerize you:
Fireeye Cyber Threat Map is still informational, but it does not contain many of the features that the others do. It does, however, show the origin, the destination, the total number of attacks, as well as some other stats about the previous 30 days, such as top attacker countries and top most attacked industries.
Kapersky cyber threat map is one of the most comprehensive maps available, and it also serves as the best when it comes to graphical interface. It also looks amazingly sleek, although of course, what it signifies is Internet devastation.
Checkpoint which is another cyber-attack map offering a hi-tech way to detect DDoS attacks from around the globe. It’s not the most advanced map in our list, but it does succeed in showing live stats for recent attacks.
Fortinet Threat Map features malicious network activity within various geographic regions.. In addition, this attack map will display various international sources of attack and their destinations. It may not be as visually exciting as some of the others, but it is easy to understand.
Bitdefender which is headquartered in Romania is an interactive map that shows infections, attacks, and spam that are occurring globally.
SonicWall – provides a graphical view of worldwide attacks over the last 24 hours. It shows which countries are being attacked and where the attack originates. This interactive map shows not only malware attacks, but ransomware, encrypted traffic, intrusion attempts, and spam/phishing attacks. Also included are attack site statistics for the past 24 hours.
Threatbutt features one of the coolest looking digital attack maps around, not because of a wide range of features, but because of its retro design.
Imperva A real-time global view of DDoS attacks, hacking attempts, and bot assaults mitigated by Imperva security services.
LookingGlass real-time map shows actual data from Looking Glass threat intelligence feeds The goal is this map is to detect and show live activity for infected malicious and phishing domain URLs. When you load the map, the results will be shown in four columns which include infections per second, live attacks, botnets involved, and the total number of affected countries.
Digital Attack map is one of the most popular attack maps. This map is devoted to tracking down attack episodes related to DDoS attacks around the world.
Talos – The threats displayed on this map are detected by Talos attack sensors, as well as culled from third party feeds. The information displayed is completely dedicated to revealing the world’s top spam and malware senders.
NetScout s much more than a cyber attack map. It provides highly contextualized information on threats all over the world.