Digital Artist: Employment Info & Requirements
Digital or multimedia artists use technology to make their artwork come alive. In addition to traditional art techniques, such as drawing and sculpture, digital artists use computer software to create 3-D animation, interactive website graphics, or digitally enhanced photographs. They may also develop storyboards for animation scenes and edit animation effects. Digital artists typically work in motion pictures, software publishing, and advertising firms.
Bachelor’s degree in commercial or visual art recommended
Job Skills
Computer design, marketing, Web design
Median Salary (2021)*
$78,790 for multimedia artists and animators
Job Growth (2021-2031)*
5% for multimedia artists and animators
Source: *U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Mục lục bài viết
Required Education
A bachelor’s degree in commercial or visual art is not always required to obtain a position as a digital artist; however, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a 4-year education in a relevant field of study is becoming the standard in the industry. Programs typically include coursework in digital imaging, animation design, and digital illustration, as well as classical art techniques and training in the use of current computer software. Some programs may also for specializations in animation, interactive media, or game design.
Skills Required
In addition to artistic skills, digital artists must be adept in the use of computer design programs, such as Adobe InDesign and Photoshop or Dreamweaver. Depending on the field, marketing and Web design skills may also be helpful.
Career and Economic Outlook
According to the BLS, the median annual salary for multimedia artists was reported as $78,790 in May 2021. During this same year, the top-paying states included Connecticut, California, Washington, D.C. and New York. Between 2021 and 2031, job opportunities within the field of multimedia art and animation are projected to grow by 5%, an average rate, as indicated by the BLS (