
Pretty cool. This is not yet a replacement for Adobe Illustrator or the like, though it is very capable. The vector networks and bezier curves are nicely done, but some of the menus in the object info palette were kludgey. The object border thickness drop down menu was difficult to scroll in with the native app for example. I didn’t try it with the web interface. The web interface is basically identical to this app in form and function. Pretty snappy too, and that gets to the real strength of this app which is its collaboration tools. I couldn’t figure out how to access the versioning system but I have not yet looked in the documentation. Most features of the app will be instantly familiar if you have used any sort of graphics application. The sticky note-like commenting tool is well implemented. It would be nice if there was a way too change the color of the comment marker arbitrarily or in sets. No indication of what the pricing will be. I hope they keep a limited free version–maybe with reduced collaboration or export toolsets.