Google Digital Garage: Digital Marketing

Outline of Activity

The Google Digital Garage: Digital Marketing activity allows students to choose from a range of extracurricular courses. Each activity is labelled with the time commitment required and students are required to pick and choose the courses that interest them, up to or surpassing 20 hours

Learning Outcomes

The key focus of this EDGE activity is to allow students to gain accreditation for extra training/courses, certified by Google.

  • Understand the importance of ongoing training in emerging Digital Marketing
  • Identify examples of transferable skills gained through the provision of the Google courses
  • Understand the importance of identifying and enabling self directed learning
  • Understand the importance of reflecting on the practice of the key skills developed through the Google courses

Assessment Details

Complete a reflective account (Approximately 700 words) to include:

  • Key skills developed throughout the training
  • Personal career benefits of participating in the training
  • Dates/hours and screenshot showing course completion should be included
  • The above report should be uploaded to the EDGE area in the Interactive Media Course Support Area on Blackboard

Communication, Advertising & Marketing students should contact Dr Anthea Irwin regarding completion of this activity.

Level of Commitment

Each student must be able to demonstrate 20 hours of engagement (each Google course has an expected completion time) with the Google Digital Garage: Digital Marketing activities and deliver the course completion evidence and the reflective account.