Happytime rtsp server source code

Data pusher means that RTSP server receives external data sources and then sends them out as RTSP streams.
The data pusher support TCP, UDP and RTSP mode.
Audio and video data are packaged and sent in RTP format.
If you use TCP or UDP mode data push, you need to add <pusher> tag in the rtsp server configuration file, specify the push audio and video parameters and push port, etc.
If you use RTSP mode to push data, no configuration is required. The url suffix of the pushed RTSP address can be any legal string.
If it is RTSP mode, it supports standard RTSP push stream, such as FFMPEG rtsp pusher.

FFMPEG rtsp over UDP:
ffmpeg -re -i test.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -preset ultrafast -f rtsp rtsp://yourip/pusher

FFMPEG rtsp over TCP:
ffmpeg -re -i test.mp4 -vcodec libx264 -acodec copy -preset ultrafast -f rtsp -rtsp_transport tcp rtsp://yourip/pusher

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