
Welcome to “Mobile games in youth work” (mGames in YW) web platform.

The project is supported by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The main aim of the project is to increase the capacity of youth workers, trainers and leaders via development of methodology for designing and implementing mobile games in the youth work. The project also developed a set of mobile games for entrepreneurship, intercultural learning and green skills, topics which are in the center of many youth training courses, mobilities, seminars and other events. The project involves 6 partner organizations from 5 countries – Bulgaria, Germany, Slovenia, Poland and Italy.

On this web site one can find the following information:

– In “Theory” menu there are 4 subsections – Entrepreneurship, Green skills, Intercultural learning and mGames and youth work. The first 3 sections contain information and training materials about the respective topic and the last section explains the importance of modern media devices for the youth and how mobile games can be implemented in out-of-school training by the youth workers.
– In “Mobile games” part one can find the 3 developed games with a respective description, sample images from each game and direct connections to App Store and Google Play for downloading the installation files. The games are absolutely free to play.
– In “Resources” menu there are 3 sub-sections – Documents, Useful links and Download. In the Documents section one can find different documents, developed for the project – leaflets, manual, training kits, etc. Useful links section contains URLs to documents and databases regarding the forementioned topics. In Download one can directly download developing tools so he/she can start working on their own mobile games.
– In “The Project” part one can find information about the project and the partner organizations.


Supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This project reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.