HR Transformation | Deloitte

The elevated talent and culture agenda in the boardroom

To understand how the pandemic has changed conversations in the boardroom, Deloitte interviewed CHROs from 15 leading organizations across multiple industries, including financial services, consumer products, technology, telecommunications, energy, retail, manufacturing, and hospitality. Learn more about the feedback and the role of today’s CHRO.

Build trust in diversity, equity, and inclusion commitments

Since the spring of 2020, many organizations have made public commitments to address societal disparity and injustice, and established or expanded diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives for their current and future workforce. After more than a year of accelerated efforts, the questions arise: Do workers trust their organizations’ commitment and efforts thus far? And how might this change going forward?

Watch the HR Executive Webinar, The Digital Workplace: Foundation for a thriving hybrid workforce

Fueled by shifts in the worker-employer relationship and the virtual and hybrid workplace, C-suite executives are seeking new strategies and insights for unlocking business value in this new era of the digital workplace. Hear from Deloitte HR leaders on how to harness workforce potential to not only survive but thrive in the emerging hybrid environment.

The digital workplace reimagined: Elevating the human experience to unlock productivity+

There’s more to the digital workplace than simply providing workers with online access to office applications. By redesigning the virtual and hybrid workplace with humans at the center, organizations can improve the worker experience and deliver.

Exponential HR: Break away from traditional operating models to achieve work outcomes

HR is uniquely positioned to lead enterprises to thrive in the new world of work, playing a new and vital leadership role in shaping the way enterprises compete, access talent, curate experiences, and show up in the communities where they live and work.

A memo to HR: Accelerating the shift to re-architecting work

COVID-19 thrust HR to the forefront of organizations’ efforts to survive the crisis—and gained greater credibility in doing so. Now, HR has the opportunity to build on its newly enhanced position to shift its role from managing workers to re-architecting work, driving better outcomes that position organizations to thrive.