Install CodeBlocks IDE on Windows 11 –


In this tutorial, we will Install CodeBlocks IDE on Windows 11 operating system. This is a step-by-step guide to installing the IDE tool using the Code::Blocks setup installer.

Download Installer

Open a web browser and navigate to the following download URL:


CodeBlocks Download Win11


Click on the Download the binary release link.


CodeBlocks Binary Windows11

Click on the Windows platform link.

Choose the installer. The installers are hosted on FossHUB and Sourceforge hosting platforms.


This setup is bundled with the GNU GCC G++ compiler.


CodeBlocks Installer Download Win11


Locate the installer and double-click on the file. This will launch the CodeBlocks setup screen.

Click on the Next > button.

CodeBlocks Setup Screen1 Win11

Read and accept the License Agreement. Click on the ‘I Agree’ button to accept the license.

License Agreement CodeBlocks Win11

Choose the Code::Blocks IDE components. It’s recommended to check all the components. Select all the components and click on the Next > button.

CodeBlocks Choose Components Win11

Choose the Install Location. This is optional and it’s recommended to use the default destination folder.

To change the default install location click on the Browse… button to choose the location for the tool.

C:\Program Files\CodeBlocks

CodeBlocks Install Location Win11

Click on the Install button. This will install the IDE tool and all the necessary files and plugins.

In this setup, the GNU GCC Compiler is installed and the IDE auto detects it.

CodeBlocks GNU GCC Compiler Detection Win11


That’s it. We have installed Code::Blocks IDE on Windows 11 operating system. Next, we can code and run a sample C/C++ program using the IDE.

Launch Code::Blocks IDE

Launch Code::Blocks IDE on Windows

Code::Blocks Tutorials

Code::Blocks Tutorials on this website can be found at:

Code Blocks Tutorials

For more information on Code::Blocks IDE, visit the official website: