Install Ubuntu desktop | Ubuntu
This screen allows you to configure your installation. If you would like Ubuntu to be the only operating system on your hard drive, select Erase disk and install Ubuntu.
If your device currently has another operating system installed, you will receive additional options to install Ubuntu alongside that OS rather than replacing it.
Let’s take a moment to review all of the above options in detail.
Mục lục bài viết
Installing Ubuntu alongside another operating system
If you select this option you will be given a simple interface that allows you to select the drive you want to install Ubuntu on and a slider to determine the amount of disk space you would like Ubuntu to use. The available space is limited by the existing contents of the disk and is designed to avoid overwriting existing files.
This view automatically selects the largest partition on the drive. For more fine-grained control you can switch to the Manual partitioning option that is detailed further down.
Erase disk and install Ubuntu
If you select this option Ubuntu will take up the entire disk space on the selected drive.
If your PC has multiple hard drives then this option allows you to install Ubuntu alongside an existing OS as long as they each have their own drive. Take care to ensure that you are selecting the right drive in this instance!
This option also allows you to encrypt your entire drive using LVM. To do this open the Advanced features option before proceeding to the above screen and select ‘Encrypt the new Ubuntu installation for security’
LVM stands for Logical Volume Management. By using LVM during the setup, it makes it easier to create and manage partitions post installation.
In the following step you will be prompted to create a Security key that you will need to enter on boot before logging in with your user credentials.
If you select encryption, it is important that you do not lose your security key! Write it down and store it in a safe place outside of your local system. You will not be able to recover your data without it!
Manual partitioning
Manual partitioning is designed for advanced users who want to create specific configurations for their use-cases. As such we assume that these users will be comfortable with this interface and will not go into detail during this tutorial on specific setups.
Here users can see all existing drives and partitions and create and manage new partition tables and configurations.
(Alert) Windows BitLocker is enabled
If your device has Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption enabled then Ubuntu will not be able to gather the drive information it needs to install Ubuntu safely alongside Windows.
If this is the case you will get a prompt to disable BitLocker in Windows before restarting the Ubuntu installer.
Disabling Windows BitLocker is not required when fully erasing Windows or when there is a separate, unencrypted drive available for Ubuntu. For more information see the final section at the end of this tutorial.