Installing Apache Tomcat on Windows

Installing Apache Tomcat on Windows

The following topics are included in this section:

Installing Apache Tomcat From Zip File

To install Apache Tomcat 7.0.x or later, proceed as follows:

  1. Open Apache Tomcat home page at

  2. In the left-hand Download menu, click the latest available Tomcat version.

  3. Locate the Binary Distributions area and in the Core list click on the ZIP file corresponding to the required Windows

  4. Save the ZIP file in a temporary directory.

  5. Unpack the downloaded ZIP file into the target folder on the computer.

  6. This folder is referred as <TOMCAT_HOME> further in this document.

  7. Configure JVM options for Tomcat web server as follows:

    1. For Windows, create TOMCAT_HOME/bin/setenv.bat file and write:

    2. set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx1024m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC

    3. Open the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file and add the URIEncoding="UTF-8" attribute for all <Connector> elements.

    4. For example:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443"

Installing Apache Tomcat Using Windows Service Installer

This section describes how to install Apache Tomcat using Windows

Note: It is not recommended to select this type of installation when planning
to edit rule tables in Excel files from OpenL Tablets WebStudio. See the
Modifying Tables section in [OpenL Tablets WebStudio User Guide] because additional settings are required for that. Please contact your
OpenL Tablets administrator to solve the

Note: For OpenL Tablets administrator. To allow editing rule tables in Excel
files from OpenL Tablets WebStudio, please enable the Allow service to
interact with desktop Tomcat service option using MMC or from the

To install Apache Tomcat using Windows Service Installer, proceed as

  1. Navigate to Apache Tomcat site at and n the left-hand Download menu, click the latest available Tomcat version.

  2. Locate the Binary Distributions area and in the Core list click the 32-bit/64-bit Windows Service Installer link.

  3. Save the apache-tomcat exe file in a temporary folder.

  4. Run the exe file and follow the instructions of the installation wizard.

  5. Click Next to move to the next step or return to the previous step by clicking the
    Back button.

  6. In the License Agreement window, click I Agree.

  7. In the Choose Components dialog, leave the default Normal type of installation.

  8. Experienced Tomcat users can also select another installation type from
    the drop-down

  9. In the Configuration dialog, leave the settings at their default values.

  10. In the next window the Wizard displays the folder where Tomcat will be
    installed – the
    Destination Folder.

  11. This folder is referred as <TOMCAT_HOME> further in this document.

  12. Click Install to start the installation.

  13. Click Finish to complete.

  14. As a result, Apache Tomcat is installed and started on the user’s
    computer. In the Notification Area located next to the clock, the
    icon appears. Tomcat is managed by using this icon or from the Start

  15. Configure JVM options for Tomcat.

  16. For that right click the Apache Tomcat icon in the Notification area and
    select Configure; or click start->All Programs->Apache Tomcat
    7.0-> Configure Tomcat. The Apache Tomcat Properties dialog

    Click the Java tab and add in the Java Options text box. Note that every
    option must be manually entered in a separate






    Click Apply and then click OK.

  17. To restart Tomcat, right click the Tomcat icon in the Notification Area
    and select
    Stop service (the Tomcat icon changes to) and then select Start Service again.

  18. Tomcat can also be restarted from the General tab in the Apache Tomcat Properties dialog which appears after selecting Start->All Programs->Apache Tomcat 7.0-> Configure Tomcat.

From this point OpenL Tablets WebStudio can be run as described in Step 3: Deploying OpenL Tablets WebStudio.