Merge PDF | Combine PDF Files Online for Free | Foxit

Our PDF merger allows you to quickly combine multiple PDFs into a single PDF document and reorder the pages with just a few quick clicks. There’s no software download or sign-up process. Just a simple, reliable, and secure solution that supports your workflow.

Safe to Use

We value your privacy and security. Foxit’s online PDF merger is always safe and secure to use. After combining the files, Foxit PDF combiner deletes both the original and the merged files, so your information is safe. Nothing will be stored on our servers and you can rest easy knowing your information and documents won’t ever get into the wrong hands.

Compatible Across Platforms

Foxit makes it easy and simple to merge and reorder PDF documents by offering cross-compatibility. Our online PDF tools and software support all operating systems, so, Mac, Windows, Linux, and Android users can all benefit from our reliable tools. You can expect the same high-quality results no matter what type of computer you’re using.

High-Quality Conversions

Merging PDFs and reordering them is a complicated process that usually requires expensive software to complete. Foxit simplifies the process by providing easy access to a reliable cloud-based PDF merger that offers high-quality conversions you can rely on every time. This online service is safe and secure so you never have to sacrifice your privacy for results.

Why Choose Foxit?

With Foxit, you can easily merge and reorder multiple PDF documents for free by using our online PDF merger. Our web-based PDF merger tool is reliable, fast, and easy to use with any operating system, making it the best option out there. No sign-up required!

Can I convert a merged PDF to Word or other formats?

Yes, you can convert your merged PDF to Word, Excel, PPT and other formats with our easy-to-use online PDF editor.

Can I compress a merged PDF to decrease file size without sacrificing quality?

Yes, you can use our PDF Compressor to reduce the size of your merged PDF files without compromising the quality.

Get Started Today

Grab your PDF documents and start merging and reordering them now with Foxit’s free online PDF merger. All you have to do is drag and drop the files, reorder them (if you want to), and download the finished product. The process has never been easier, so start for free today, or purchase our Foxit PDF Editor for your desktop for offline access and even more useful tools.