Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit Download | Oracle Nederland

Oracle JavaScript Extension Toolkit(JET)

Oracle JET provides a command line interface to help create a new application for you. To install and create an Oracle JET application, install Node.js (LTS release recommended) on your local machine and then run the following commands from a console window:

npm install -g @oracle/ojet-cli 

Change to the directory that you want to create your application in and type:

ojet create <app name> --template=navdrawer

This will create an application using the Oracle JET Web Starter Template, NavDrawer.

If you would like to use TypeScript, simply add --typescript to the end of the above command. It will generate any of the base templates using TypeScript instead of JavaScript.

NOTE: When installing npm packages globally on a Mac, you may need to use the “sudo” command.

When installing npm packages globally on a Mac, you may need to use the “sudo” command.