Robotics Development Services | Integra Sources

The traditional approach to robot development lies in following the step-by-step process described below:

  1. Decide on what components the robot will need and buy those parts.
  2. Make a drawing of the robot mechanics.
  3. Integrate the components with each other to achieve the end goal of the robot.
  4. Assemble all the components into joints and mechanically link them.
  5. Program the robot.
  6. Test the pre-programmed behavior in real scenarios.


This approach for robot development implies that the modules within the robots aren’t reusable.


By contrast, we prefer to adopt, when possible, a more modern and efficient approach. Our preferred approach to robot development entails connecting interoperable modules together. Modular components such as the actuator, sensors, communication modules, and UI devices can be reused among robots.


The modular approach simplifies the overall process of building robots and reduces the development effort and time.