Software Engineering MCQ Set 8

Software engineering MCQ set 8 includes MCQ on software development life cycle, SDLC models mcqs, prototyping model mcqs, incremental model mcqs, RAD model mcqs, spiral model mcqs, iterative process model mcqs, waterfall model mcqs, and most important software engineering solved MCQs. This software engineering MCQ test is helpful to prepare UGC NET computer science exam, CS GATE exam, software engineer jobs test, PPSC and FPSC computer lecturer test, and other computer science competitive exams.

1. RAD stands for _____?

A). Rapid Application Document
B). Rapid Application Development
C). Relative Application Development
D). None of these

2. The spiral model of software development _____?

A). Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration
B). Is more chaotic than the incremental model
C). Ends with the delivery of the software product
D). All of the above

3. Identify the disadvantage of Spiral Model.

A). High amount of risk analysis
B). Additional Functionality can be added at a later date
C). Doesn’t work well for smaller projects
D). Strong approval and documentation control

4. The rapid application development model is _____?

A). A high-speed adaptation of the linear sequential model
B). Same as component-based development
C). Same as incremental model
D). Same as waterfall model
E). A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly

5. Which property of the rapid prototype is not important?

A). The speed with which it can be developed
B). The speed with which it can be modified
C). Its ability to determine the client’s real needs
D). The insights that the design team can gain from it, even if they are of the ‘how not to do it’ variety

6. What is the major drawback of using RAD Model?

A). Increases reusability of components
B). Increases reusability of components, Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required
C). Encourages customer/client feedback
D). Highly specialized & skilled developers/designers are required

7. The spiral model was originally proposed by _____?

B). Pressman
C). Royce
D). Barry Boehm

8. Which of these terms is a level name in the Capability Maturity Model?

A). Ad hoc
B). Reusable
C). Repeatable
D). Organized

9. An iterative process of system development in which requirements are converted to a working system that is continually revised through close work between an analyst and user is called _____?

A). Spiral modeling
B). Waterfall modeling
C). Iterative modeling
D). None of these

10. The major shortcoming of waterfall model is _____?

A). The difficulty in accommodating changes after requirement analysis
B). The system testing
C). The difficult in accommodating changes after feasibility analysis
D). The maintenance of system

11. With regard to Evolutionary development model, identify the correct statement.

A). Often the construction of a throw-away prototype is not followed by a reimplementation of the system using a more structured approach.
B). Exploratory development is used in situations where most of the requirements are well understood in advance
C). Evolutionary development usually comes in two flavors; exploratory development, and throw-away prototyping
D). One of the strong points of evolutionary development is that it facilitates easy project management, through the high volume of documentation it generates

12. The spiral model has two dimensions namely _____ and _____ .

A). Diagonal, angular
B). Radial, angular
C). Diagonal, perpendicular
D). Radial, perpendicular

13. _____ types of models are created during software requirements analysis.

A). Architectural and structural
B). Usability and reliability
C). Functional and behavioral
D). Algorithmic and data structure

14. Which one of the following is not an evolutionary process model?

A). Incremental Model
B). Concurrent Development Model
C). WINWIN Spiral Model
D). All of the above

15. The software life cycle can be said to consist of a series of phases. The classical model is referred to as the waterfall model. Which phase may be defined as “The concept is explored and refined, and the client’s requirements are elicited”?

A). Requirements
B). Implementation
C). Design
D). Specification
E). Integration

16. How is WINWIN Spiral Model different from Spiral Model?

A). It defines tasks required to assess both technical and management risks
B). It defines tasks required to construct, test, install, and provide user support
C). It defines tasks required to define resources, timelines, and other project related information
D). It defines a set of negotiation activities at the beginning of each pass around the spiral

17. ER model shows the _____?

A). Static view
B). Dynamic view
C). Functional view
D). All of the above

18. The Incremental Model is a result of combination of elements of which two models?

A). Linear Model & RAD Model
B). Waterfall Model & RAD Model
C). Linear Model & Prototyping Model
D). Build & FIX Model & Waterfall Model

19. How is Incremental Model different from Spiral Model?

A). Users can see the system early in Incremental Model
B). Progress can be measured for Incremental Model
C). Changing requirements can be accommodated in Incremental Model
D). All of the above

20. What is the major advantage of using Incremental Model?

A). Easier to test and debug
B). Customer can respond to each increment
C). It is used when there is a need to get a product to the market early
D). Easier to test and debug & It is used when there is a need to get a product to the market early

21. The model that assumes that effort and development time are functions of product size alone is _____?

A). Intermediate COCOMO model
B). Basic COCOMO model
C). Detailed COCOMO model
D). All the three COCOMO models

22. In Intermediate COCOMO the mode that represents complex products is referred to as _____?

A). Embedded
B). Organic
C). Multiplicative
D). Monolithic
E). Semidetached

23. The quick design of a software that is visible to end users leads to _____?

A). Prototype model
B). Iterative model
C). Spiral model
D). Waterfall model

24. The concurrent development model is _____?

A). Used whenever a large number of change requests are anticipated
B). Only used for development of parallel or distributed systems
C). Another name for the rapid application development model
D). Often used for the development of client/server applications

25. A systematic approach to software development, as epitomized by the various life-cycle models, is useful in _____?

A). Filling texts on software engineering
B). Convincing the customer that we know what we are doing
C). Managing the various activities necessary to get the job done
D). Helping us understand the nature of the software product
E). Testing the entire project

26. If you were to create client/server applications, which model would you go for?

A). Concurrent Model
B). Spiral Model
C). WINWIN Spiral Model
D). Incremental Model

27. Which of these is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development?

A). Inception phase
B). Construction phase
C). Validation phase
D). Elaboration phase

28. The component-based development model is _____?

A). Works best when object technologies are available for support
B). Not able to support the development of reusable components
C). Not cost effective by known quantifiable software metrics
D). Only appropriate for computer hardware design

29. Empirical estimation models are typically based on _____?

A). Trial and error determination of the parameters and coefficients
B). Refinement of current project estimation
C). Expert judgment based on past project experiences
D). Regression models derived from historical project data

30. Match each software lifecycle model in List – I to its description in List – II:

List – IList – II
I. Code-and-Fixa. Assess risks at each step; do most critical action first.
II. Evolutionary prototypingb. Build an initial small requirement specifications, code it, then “evolve” the specifications and code as needed.
III. Spiral Modelc. Build initial requirement specification for several releases, then design-and-code in sequence.
IV. Staged Deliveryd. Standard phases (requirements, design, code, test) in order.
V. Waterfall modele. Write some code, debug it, repeat (i.e. ad-hoc)

A). e b a c d
B). e c a b d
C). d a b c e
D). c e a b d