Software Engineering Projects for CSE and IT Students
Software engineering involves designing, development, and maintenance of various application-based softwares. Software engineering projects can be implemented on several tools such as Java, Dot net, Linux, Oracle, and so on. Software project management accounts for creating various business-based applications meeting security challenges and performing activities in collaboration with authorized corporations within a short span of time. This article list out software engineering projects for computer science background students like CSE, IT, and MCA.
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Software Engineering Projects for Computer Science & IT Students
The list of software engineering projects for CSE students is discussed below.
Android Task Monitoring Project
At present, people in the main cities are leading a mechanical life. So in that case, tracking all the activities or appointments is not possible in real-time. To overcome this problem, the proposed system implements an alerting system app or reminder app for scheduling the weekly tasks or appointments using an android device. This device gives an alert to the user regarding the tasks or appointments that are planned for every day in a week.
Banking System
The software engineering project like the banking system is a very essential project in the banking sector to store the account information and also banking transactions within the database. This banking system application also adds new customer details. By using this project, data searching can be done very fast in less time. By using this software, clerical work can be reduced almost.
This software allows quick transactions of creating a new account for the customer, cash withdrawal from the user account, cash deposit into the account, account balance checking for the account holder even if there is huge data within the database. This project provides user-friendly, fast, reliable, efficient interfaces for banking. So there is no chance of losing the customers data
This system can be easily connected to the scanners and printers so that the user can get the annual report in a printable format.
Airline Reservation System Software Engineering Project
This project implements software for an airline reservation system. This system is used to automate the main airline operations such as flight booking, the status of flight, web check-in, etc.
By using this project, speed, security, accuracy, and storing can be increased. Managing the data is very easy and gives convenience to travelers.
Traffic Monitoring System Project
Traffic congestion is increasing day by day in the major cities of developed countries. To overcome this problem, several traffic systems are developed through different researchers. To make the traffic monitoring system reliable, robust, and smarter different methods have been implemented. An intelligent traffic system model is implemented by using infrared proximity sensors a microcontroller & vehicular length.
Electronic Cash Counter Project
In the banking sector, an electronic cash counter project is implemented to use in the account division so that it provides a better interface to complete banking transactions. This system provides a superior outlook to the user interfaces so that all the transactions in the banking sector can be implemented such as account creation, deposits, issues of checkbooks, withdraws, account transfers. By using this project, several factors can be implemented related to the banking sector so that it can provide a satisfactory service to the customers.
Hospital Management System Project
The main function of this project is to implement software for the hospital management system. This system is applicable in small private hospitals especially for the people who use the files to store the data rather than storing in a database otherwise excel programming software.
This system includes software to handle different clinic workflows directions. It controls the performance of the smooth healthcare with medical, administrative, financial & legal control. That is a keystone for the successful operation of healthcare. The user interfaces, as well as the software database, can be developed using Microsoft SQL server management and visual studio 2010.
Online Mobile Recharge Portal
The application based on the Web namely mobile recharge online is developed using ASP.NET. This software project provides a simple as well as a consistent platform for recharging any network mobiles online. The registered users can recharge their numbers from anyplace at any time. This project is mainly developed for automating the process of mobile recharging.
This online system is more useful to the admins as well as the customer. By using this software application, the admin can include new operators, offers, tariff plans, and change or update the existing plans. By using this software, the user can create his account and recharge their mobile number easily at any time.
Library Management System
This is a software engineering project which is used to provide automation to the library. This system assists a librarian to manage the books in the libraries. This system provides some features to update the members, books, searching books, returning books, searching members, etc. The software used in this system is used for controlling and monitoring library transactions. This project is developed in PHP language. This project provides us the whole data of the library.
The software engineering projects for beginners are discussed below. These simple software engineering project ideas are helpful for students.
ATM System based on Fingerprint
This is a desktop application that uses the user’s fingerprint for verification. We know that every user has his own and unique fingerprint. In this project, the fingerprint is used to access the ATM. Accessing the ATM using fingerprint is safer as compared with using an ATM card.
This project is very helpful for the users to access the ATMs through fingerprints. For this, every user has to access their account through their fingerprint. Once they logging in, they will get their unique PIN so that they can conduct all the bank transactions like transferring the amount, withdrawing, checking the account balance, mini statement, etc.
Management System for Employee
Generally, in large companies, managing employs is very difficult task so it is very challenging to manage their activities by the HR efficiently. To overcome this, the employee management system is implemented to manage everything associated with the company.
This project implements a system like a management system for an employee. By using this project, all the company-related information can be consolidated by HR. This system includes two main components like employee and admin.
The Admin is responsible for the whole company information, like payroll, leave management & can also include employee details. Similarly, every employee can utilize this system to verify the details of salary, leave status, holiday calendar, etc.
AES Algorithm for Image Encryption
In imaging and communication systems, incorporation of high range security is essential because there is a massive threat to sensitive data. Hackers are frequently hacking confidential data. To overcome this problem, the proposed system is implemented for image encryption through the advances encryption standard algorithm so that intrusion attacks for imaging systems as well as digital images misuse can be prevented.
The AES algorithm is used to encrypt the digital images, then the sender and receiver can only be viewed. So this system is safer as compared with the DES system otherwise triple DES systems.
Fraud Detection of Credit Card
Credit card scam is an important threat in the BFSI (Banking, financial services & insurance) sector. To overcome this problem, the fraud detection system of credit card in implemented to study and analyzes the behavior patterns of the user & scanning methods of location can be used to recognize any strange models.
The proposed system employs the location of geography for verification. If it notices any abnormal pattern, then the user needs to go through the verification method again. This system stores every user’s previous transaction data. Depending on this information, it measures the normal user behavior models for separate users. In any strange activities, this detection system will give alerts and also blocks the operator once he made three unacceptable attempts.
Protection System for Software Piracy
The main concept of this project is to develop a protection system to avoid software privacy & also enhance the protection of software. In industries, software piracy is a major threat because hackers using different malicious and malware codes to get access to software products. Thus, it is crucial to use the required protection system to maintain data protection and software products’ copyright rights.
At first, the users must register their software products and then buy the software online.
When the online payment is done, software product users can easily download the software along with the serial key. This software reads the desktop ID so that it generates a user ID through an algorithm.
So the user can access by using the ID and serial key. Once the key is entered, then the software will produce a key through encryption to compare it with the user’s serial key for verification. If the generated key matches with the user key, it gives access to the software product otherwise it will be locked.
Software Engineering Project Agile Model
The Agile meaning is fast otherwise adaptable and it refers to the development of software depending on the expansion of iterative. The methods of Agile will split the tasks into mini iterations. Every iteration can be considered as a short period “frame” within the development model of Agile, which normally lasts from 1 week to 4 weeks.
The separation of the whole project into minor parts will help in reducing the risk of project risk and also the delivery time of the entire project. Every iteration involves a team working using a life cycle of full software development like design, planning, coding, requirements analysis & testing before a running product is shown to the client. The agile model includes different phases like a gathering of requirements, design, iteration or construction, assurance of quality or testing, deployment, and feedback.
Java is an object-oriented programming language that is used in different applications as well as websites to work properly. This language is very secured, fast & consistent. Java is everywhere like laptops, game consoles, data centers, scientific supercomputers, cell phones, etc. The software engineering projects based on java include the following.
OCR (Optical Character Recognition) using Java
The optical character recognition project is developed by using the JAVA programming language. This project implements a device to send an input file for reading the data from documents. It is very simple to change the content on screenshots as well as PDF files. The image can be attained through an optical scanner.
Android-based Mobile Quiz
The mobile quiz project is developed by using JAVA through Android Studio. This project uses different modules based on the developer requirement. The interface design can be done using the android studio as well as coding for creating a quiz on the smartphone.
Tracking System for Bugs
This project develops a tracking system for bugs within the software program. This project is developed by using Java language to remove viruses or bugs in the program. This project helps in finding the errors in a program and removes it.
Billing System of Electricity using JAVA
The proposed system is used to build software using Java language for an electricity billing system to get precise details of electricity consumption in families. The manual operation is quite difficult as it requires suitable data and measurement. To overcome this, the billing system device is implemented which solves the problem as well as determines the accurate unit for both the customer and the electricity department.
Android App for Tourist Guide
This project is implemented by using the JAVA programming language to develop an android app. This app helps tourists like a guide project who desire to travel around the world. The layout of this project can be designed with XML and modules of this project can be designed based on the developer requirements.
Mail Server Project
The communication software based on the internet is a mail server. This software is developed through Java language. This project assists the users to interact through e-mails & it manages all the emails related works by connecting to a computer network.
This mail server application can be developed through the Java programming language because it improves the flexibility and portability of the system. Java programming language supports the safety system and enhances the overall software compatibility by offering particular exception handling devices.
The list of some more Java-based Project Ideas includes the following.
- Java-based PDF Converter
- Management System for Pharmacy
- Management System for Address Book using Java
- Reminder and Protector of Password
- Java-based Ajax Browser
- Detection of Intrusion in WSN
- Java-based Software for Application Installer
- Converter from Image to Text
- Java-based Software for Application Re-installer
- Explorer of Folder and File
- Java-based Simulator System for ATM
- Encryption of Data using Java
- Management System for Cybercafe
- Reservation System for Bus Ticket using Java
- The converter of Text to HTML using Java
The list of software engineering projects based on cloud computing includes the following. Please refer to this link to know Cloud Computing Technology and Its Types
Cloud Computing based E-Learning
This project is developed by using cloud computing. For learners, it is a modern platform depending on the internet. A learner can simply look for books or videos to download them wherever he is required. In the E-learning process, the main parts are learning, reusing, and sharing. In websites, a learner can gather the learning modules directly. This system manages and stores the information on e-book based on the categories.
By using this project, a manual checkup can be reduced to track the information of books/videos. Whenever a new book/ video arrives then admin updates in the system. E-learning website is very useful for the customers to search the books and learn so that paperwork can be reduced.
Cloud Computing based Rural Banking
This project is used to develop a banking system using cloud computing in a rural area wherever the people lack for different amenities & facilities. By using this system, the rural banking system will become more comfortable to the users because they can do the baking without going to banks. This system increases the banking sector’s efficiency as well as develops economic activities.
Bus Pass System based on Cloud
This project is used to develop a bus pass system using cloud computing. This project is used to provide the services to the customers for buying tickets online. This system solves various difficult problems such as stolen tickets, misplaced ticket otherwise mispriced tickets. Once they booked the tickets then they can pay the amount of the ticket through credit or debit card. So that users can easily check the status of buses as well as ticket availability.
Attendance System based on Cloud
This project is used to implement an attendance system using cloud computing. This system is used to take the attendance data using the automation process completely.
By scanning the ID cards of the students or employees, the information can be stored within the system like in time, date, out-time, and the working hours. Then the entire process cannot be controlled manually so the user cannot insert proxy attendance.
The stored data is very secured so accessing and editing the data is not possible for anyone except the admin. The proposed system maintains the previous employs data to check the employee’s details if necessary in the future.
Automation of University Campus
This project implements an automation system for the university campus using cloud computing. This system is very helpful for collecting information about faculty, students, and visitors to the campus. This system includes separate login details for students, faculties, etc but every student has to register, with his/her id, position, and department.
This system helps in gathering the information which reduces the recruitment faculty workload. This project is very useful in managing and reviewing the applicants in less time.
Serverless Website Design on AWS
This project designs a Serverless website by using cloud computing on amazon web services. So that developers can easily launch their products very quickly. The main benefits of Serverless websites are charge depending on usage, scalability, serverless environments such as API, DynamoDB, S3, etc. By doing this project, one can get practical experience on amazon web services (AWS).
Removal of Data Duplication through File Checksum
This project develops technology for duplication of data. This project is used to identify unnecessary data rapidly with the help of the file checksum method. A checksum is used to determine unnecessary data. This project is used to avoid unnecessary data by comparing a new chunk through chunks of data which is stored.
To lessen the time to prohibit the false positives, present research employs the removal of data file checksum. But, the main file stores several attributes like file name, user id, size, date time table, extension & checksum.
When the user uploads a specific file, then the system analyzes the checksum first & after that verifies with the stored checksum in the database. If the file exists in the database, then it will update in the database otherwise it will create a new entry. The main concept of this project is to reduce the duplicates maximum in one kind of NoSQL DBs to enhance the performance.
Transfer of Text Securely using Cloud Computing
This project is used to transfer the data very securely. There are several methods to maintain the private as well as sensitive data protective. In that, encryption is one kind of method which helps in protecting the secret data using a password or key. Here, the key must be decrypted to access the data.
This project helps in exchanging any sort of text messages or images securely. The encryption methods used in this method is two way which can be utilized from private and public key encryption actions. This method is much secured because it utilizes the SQL database for storing any type of data that needs to be exchanged.
Please refer to this link for software engineering projects for CSE projects.
The list of IEEE software engineering projects includes the following.
- Mitigating and Degradation of Congested Sensor Networks
- Sales Order Processing and Invoicing (SOPI)
- A Simple Generic Algorithm for Music Generation by Means of Algorithmic Information Theory
- A Decentralized Self-adaption Mechanism for Service-based Applications in the Cloud
- Wireless Local Area Network Monitoring and Controlling Tool
- Implementation of Multi-Threaded Multimedia with Push/Pull Technology
- Small Scale Business Management System
- Secured Pocket Store for Pocket Personal Computer Using Windows SE Cryptographic Solution
- Detecting Age of a Person Based on Hand Writing Analysis
- Implementation of Spam Filter Based on JAVA
- A Distributed System for Scaling up GNOME Similarity Search
- Designing of a flight Black Box Based on Event Automatic Reader with Noise Suppression
- Concept Map Mining for Easy Mining and Technical Concepts-CMM
- Detection of Network Fault with MAC Authentication
- Authentication of Network Attached Storage by Using SCARED Protocol
- Wireless Modem Configuration Wizard for UBUNTU OS
- Wireless Finger Print Identification Based on Unique Devices
- Recognition of Kannada Character Using Curve Let Transformation
- Detection of Pattern Using Web Log Data
- Updating of Distributed Cache for Dynamic Source Routing Protocol
- Network Load control in TCP/IP
- Detection of Credit Card Fraud by Using Hidden Markov Model
- Verification of Offline Signature Using GABOR Transforms
- Road Traffic Analysis and Traffic Control Algorithm Based on Density
- Detecting Terror Related Activities on Net By Using Data Mining Technique
- Intelligent Emotion Recognition Using Brain Signals (IEMOTION)
- Detection of Medical Abnormalities in Skeletal Muscles Using EMG
- Simulation of Color Tree Using SIM CT Algorithm for Disjoint Multipath Algorithm
- Storage Security for Data Dynamics in Cloud Computing and Enabling Public Verifiability
- Establishment of Secret Key Based on Correlation of Wireless Channel Coefficients
- Ranking and Clustering Software Cost Estimation Models Using Multiple Comparison Algorithms
- Estimation in Model Checking with Bit State Hashing
- A New Approach to Random Testing Using Centroidal Voronoi Tessellations
- Interaction of Asynchronous Server Using AJAX and XML
- Implementation and Control of Homogenous Network
- Implementation of Quick Car Rental Services Based on J2EEE
- Implementation and Automation of Remote Electricity Billing System
- Design and Implementation of ESECURE Transaction
- ATM Networks Implementation Using Connection Admission Control
- Verification of Digital Signature Verification Using Artificial Neural Networks
- Design and Implementation of Web Portal E-learning
- Detection of Moving Object by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in The Low-Rank Representation
- Intelli Information and Implementation of WAP Based System
- Implementation of Vertical Market Information Providing System
- A theoretical analysis of The Role of Test Sequence Length in Software Testing for Structural Coverage
- Locating of Aware Mobile Applications Based on Event Middleware
- Sequence-Based Test Cases Event Generation Using GUI Runtime State Feedback
- Fault Prediction in Object-Oriented System Using the Concept of Cohesion for Classes
- Design and Discovering of Service-Based Systems Using UML
- A Web-Based Application for Vehicle Sales, Purchase, and Inventory Management
- Implementation of ASP Based Supply Chain Management System
- The approach of Combinational and Geometric System Using Digital Imaging Applications
- Speech Recognition and Synthesis for Linux
- Computational Methods for Simulation of Biological Development
- A cost-based Approach to Adaptive Resource Management in Data Stream Systems
- Design of Prototypic Hand Talk Based on Assistive Technology for Deaf
- Rectified Probabilistic Packet Marking Algorithm for the Markets
- Designing Less Structured P2p Systems for Expected High Churns
- Direct Manipulation Technique for Wireless Networking
- IP Spoofing Detection Approach for Network Intrusion Detection System.
Thus, this is all about software engineering projects. The project metrics in software engineering are related to the quality of the project which is used to count defects, schedule, cost, efficiency & project resources estimation as well as deliverables. Project estimation techniques in software engineering decide how much effort, money, time, and resources are used to design a specific project by using experience, data, knowledge, available documents, assumptions, etc.
All of these software projects in the above list are the latest titled projects that are widely implemented by the researchers and professionals, and thus represent software engineering projects for IT and Computer Science students. Apart from these valuable project titles, you can contact us for any help regarding these projects or IoT projects and others by commenting in the comment section below.