Straight Dominoes

Number of Players: 2-4
Type of Dominoes Used: Double 6
Type of Game: Scoring Game
One of the most popular of all domino games. Educational and easy to learn for children. Straight Dominoes is the game usually played at old-fashioned domino halls in small towns throughout Texas and other southern states.

Players: Two, three or four may play the game of Dominoes. If four are playing the game, it may be played as a partnership (the two players sitting opposite one another are partners).

The Shuffle: To begin the dominoes are placed face down and “shuffled.” Players draw one domino. The player drawing the highest double or if no double, the highest domino plays first. Re-shuffle and then begin drawing the first hand.

Drawing: Each player then draws seven dominoes for his hand. The remaining dominoes (the boneyard), if any, are left face down on the table to be drawn later if a player is unable to play from his hand.

Begin Play: The player who drew the highest double or the highest domino plays first, playing any domino he wishes from his had.

Object of the game: Scoring points by laying the dominoes end to end (the touching ends must match: i.e., one’s touch one’s, two’s touch two’s, etc.). If the dots on the exposed ends total any multiple of five the player is awarded that number of points. All sides of the first double (the spinner) may be used one piece to each side and later one to each end. All other doubles are played at right angles to the line and the total points on both ends are counted. Dominoing occurs when one player goes out by playing all of his dominoes. The sum of the spots of all opposing players is computed and added to the dominoing player’s score (rounded to the nearest five). In partnership play the spots of the partner of the one who “DOMINOED” are not counted.

Blocking the Game: If in the course of the game it is impossible for any of the players to play, the game is “Blocked.” The player (or partners) having the least spots in his (or their combined) hand(s) scores the total of the spots in the opponents’ hands (rounded to the nearest five). The score of 250 points is usually considered a game. The first person (or partnership) to score this amount wins the game. Shuffle and begin a new game. The player who won plays first.