
The Ensured e-Sign or e-Seal is delivered on on a Safenet PKI token. To install the Safenet Authentication Client software, perform the following steps:

  1. Unplug your Safenet eToken from your computer before running the installer.
  2. Download SafeNet Authentication Client installer file on your computer.
  3. Run the installer. Double click on the file SafeNetAuthenticationClient-x64-10.3.msi on Windows, or SafeNet Authentication Client 10.1.pkg on the Mac.
  4. The SafeNet Authentication Client Installation Wizard window will display, then click Next.
  5. Select the appropriate language for SafeNet Authentication Client interface language, Click Next.
  6. Accept the license agreement radio button, click Next.
  7. Select Destination Folder, click Next.
  8. Select the radio button for Typical Install, click Next.
  9. Click Install.
  10. Click Finish.
  11. The Token is now ready to configure and installation of the Ensured PDF signing certificate.