Top Skills Every Software Tester Must Have

As a professional, one must possess the required skillsets and knowledge required to accomplish the goals of any professional assignment or job. However, based on the profile, the prerequisites might vary, but understanding them correctly is crucial. This article will focus on various aspects of being a software tester with regards to the relevant software tester skills and knowledge required to be successful in the field! 

There are two crucial segments regarding the software testing skills list; the first is the technical knowledge and understanding required to accomplish the work seamlessly. Next comes the soft skills you must possess to complement your technical implementation. Now, it is crucial to acknowledge that both the skills are an integral part of each other to bring in the desired outcome. However, before digging deep to understand these two essential aspects better, it is important to understand the basics of software testing first. 

What is Software Testing? 

Software applications are part and parcel of our regular activities and needs. It not only helps in our business proposition but also paves the way for an easy fix for various daily mundane activities. Therefore, this is an important process to understand the basic functioning of any application. In short, software testing is one of the means to go through the basic checkpoints to ensure that the customer gets exactly what they want based on their business requirements.

The idea is to figure out the loopholes or any unnecessary bugs that may jeopardize the software-based application’s smooth run. Identifying the issues prior to this will help to analyze and figure out the solution for the existing and probable issues. 

Before it is delivered or implemented in the production, with the skills required for software testing, the application goes through the basic evaluation process concerning its business and technical aspects. There must be a sync of these two segments as, without synchronization, the right blend is impossible to achieve. In this regard, the importance of ease of usability must not be taken lightly as well. In the end, software developments are for streamlining the complicated manual process, and the more user-friendly it is, the better it is for all the stakeholders! 

In the testing phase, the evaluation is also done to check if there is any gap somewhere that might create an issue post-implementation. In a nutshell, regarding maintaining quality standards, software testing is a crucial factor one cannot do away with. 

Now, let us understand the software testing skills in demand to be a suitable software testing professional: 

Technical Skills of a Software Tester 

It is one of the basic prerequisites of being a software testing professional. Let us understand the critical technical skill that will place you in a better position to deliver the best at work. 

Programming Skills

This is one important skill that can help you prosper in various fields in the software domain. This skill set will enable you to utilize the automation tools in the best possible way. Being a tester, you get an edge while dealing with the creation of the solution for test automation. It is imperative to understand that as a software tester, one’s responsibility does not end with dealing with the user interface. One must also know how to access the software through the interface or the process of connecting the database directly to prepare or validate the test data. 

Frontend Skills

You must also understand that understanding the structure of the application user interface is of great importance. Without the knowledge of various languages like HTML (HyperText Markup Language), CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), or JavaScript, you would not be able to perform the activity easily. This is one of the software test engineer skills which will help you with the commands to the frontend language to deal with the interfaces of an application. Whether interpreting the code and the relevant automation process as per the requirement, being a testing professional, you must process the basic knowledge of the front end technologies.

Knowledge of Source Control Systems 

Any solution based on programming needs a proper source control system; it is necessary for better functioning and development of such a solution. If you do not have these software test engineer skills, you may face many difficulties as the automated tests are often dealt with as nothing but programming solutions. Usually, a test automation project can easily be integrated with the continuous integration tools while it is being added to the system.

Relevant knowledge of the source control systems will also help you coordinate with the other while ensuring the code quality during the project lifecycle. Therefore, it is a very crucial skill to have.

Backend Skills 

At times, there might be a need for individual testing for some of the components of a system or application. It becomes challenging to handle a component that does not have a user interface. Backend skills such as REST (Representational State Transfer) or SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) API (Application Programming Interface) database may come in handy in this context. This could be considered as one of the niche skills in software testing, which would also help one understand the architecture behind the application making it easy to write a test that could showcase meaningful results.

Writing Automated Tests 

Multiple changes and up gradations might be incorporated with any software development project’s progress. Accordingly, the regression tests also increase, impacting the estimated timeframe and budget. Automated tests are the means that can help in saving time in regression testing. However, it is important to understand that these must be designed well and coordinated with the best practices and models. In addition, certain tests can never be accomplished manually, such as performance tests that deal with larger queries from the application or a specific server. In short, this is a critical skill needed for software testing automation. 

Knowledge of Software Testing Tools 

Applications are based on certain technologies. So, the software testing tools must be in sync with the technology. Some are specialized; for example, for mobile Apps, there are Appium and desktop apps related to WinAmp Driver. Then others would accommodate different types of apps for automating tests.

These testing tools can be free or paid based on the requirement. These tools can also be used as programming libraries or IDEs (Integrated Development Environment), meaning testers can utilize these for writing codes or recording the tests. Therefore, it is undoubtedly considered one of the technical skills required for a software tester. However, the suitable tool selection will vary based on your requirement, budget, and the kind of application you are dealing with. 

Database and SQL Skills 

Knowledge of databases and SQL may prove to be very crucial in this context. For example, while preparing the data for testing purposes, the tester must know about the navigation process through the data and SQL. In addition, there might be a scenario where the data might need to be verified in the database to speed up the entire process. Hence, it is one of the software test engineer skills that can be handy while at work! 

The above software QA (Quality Assurance) engineer skills will certainly create a difference concerning the quality and outcome of software while in use. However, the aspirates who want to have QA tester skills may opt for the best software testing courses, which would give one in-depth knowledge of the required skill sets to succeed. 

Soft Skills of a Software Tester 

Now, every software tester must have adequate soft skills to complement the technical skill sets to succeed in the long run. This segment will focus on important aspects of soft skills that can create a difference in the software testing arena. 

Excellent communication skills 

Communication is a key factor irrespective of the profile or field of work someone is in. A good communicator will always have less hassle with maintaining the timeline of work and meeting the quality standards. In this regard, it is important to understand that a clear thought process can help immensely in root cause analysis in case of any error or issues. Once the issue is identified correctly, the mitigation plan can be churned out.

To have excellent communication means to have an edge in the field of work. This software tester skill helps a professional communicate and explain technical issues in simple language to the relevant stakeholders. It is also important for your internal team to communicate regarding any issue that may crop up during testing. 

With the help of good communication, one can easily write bug reports, which are considered objective in type and should be easy to understand.

Additionally, it becomes easy to share important insights and suggestions that may benefit the customer. With a good hold on communication, things become easier! In a professional field of work, written communication, e.g., E-mail, is also expected to be precise and informative. Therefore, effective communication could prove helpful in every sphere of work. 

Automation & coding skills 

We live in an era where repetitive tasks are considered monotonous and a waste of energy. Especially concerning information technology, automation is inevitable. And to automate things seamlessly, one must have important coding skills, without which it would be impossible to automate things easily. This is considered one of the niche skills in software testing, which can help boost the career prospect of any professional.

Manual testing might slow down the entire process, and at times, if a component is missed, it may cause unnecessary damage and halt the delivery process as well. Therefore, the following aspects are important to grasp: 

  • To have basic programming knowledge
  • Opt for upskilling through learning Selenium, Java, TestNG, Jenkins, and so, on 
  • To have an eye for the scope of automation 
  • Start with automating smaller components to understand the feasibility before embarking on automation of bigger chunks. 
  • Having a customized automation framework for use 

Think Analytically 

Analytical thinking is one of the most essential software test engineer skills, which can boost the quality of work immensely. Without analytical skills, it is difficult to perform any problem analysis. During the software testing process, one must analyze the product properly on the first go. This process will help in properly understanding how the components and the units interact with each other. With the help of analytical skills, the following activities need to be performed: 

  • Breaking down a problem into smaller segments to examine every element properly and fetch the best possible solution.
  • Collection of data and information for analysis for decision making and to pitch for suggestions 

Sharp Eye for Detail 

Having an eye for detail is one of the software testing skills in demand, as this is something that goes beyond the scope of mere knowledge. A software tester’s scope of work is primarily about identifying the usual issues, digging deep, and scrutinizing to get hold of even the smaller bugs to ensure a high-quality standard. Even the smallest bug can impact different parts of the system and may lead to unprecedented damage from various perspectives. 

Having a clear idea about the requirement will help one have better checkpoints. The impact of the bug-fix is not beyond the scope of the radar. 

It is important to be a good listener with attention to minute details to identify and observe the impact of the changes in the product’s behavior. 

Focus on the Quality 

Quality is one of the most important aspects to maintain as a software tester. The quality of a product will be a key factor in deciding the future revenue and benefits of the organization. Therefore, there must be no compromise on the quality aspect alongside the deadlines. To ensure that there is no issue in this regard, the following checks can be of help: 

  • Immediate intimation and clarification to the lead in case of noticing any ill behavior
  • Taking complete ownership to ensure a regular follow-up process with regards to the bug for fixing and retesting
  • Regular communication with the developer as per the need 

Instinctive Reporting & Documenting 

Reporting and adequate documentation are essential to ensure that all the updates are recorded. Customer experience cannot be of the best standard without clarity in reporting and conclusive documentation.

Every minute detail regarding a bug, fix, action taken, and retesting should be in place to refer to in case there is a need to look back. In addition, reporting timeline and accuracy are two important aspects that cannot be ignored. Finally, it is important to keep the report precise and to the point while preparing the report. 

Understand Different Perspectives

A software testing professional must have all the relevant perspectives in mind. Like the customer’s perspective, the stakeholders’ perspective is equally important. This will also guide one to deal with things in a better way. Being proactive in approach and having adequate process knowledge might be handy.

Curiosity and Creativity

Being curious to know additional things can always be helpful in any field of work. Therefore, alongside having the niche skills in software testing, one must keep the learning curve alive by analyzing the failures, competitors’ product outcomes, and so on. One must have the urge to use the creative entity to do some value addition which will eventually impact the results positively. 

Highly Adaptable 

Adapting to modern technologies, environments, and guidelines is necessary for this field of work. Therefore, being accustomed to new technologies and changes will always keep one ahead! 

Understanding the business and its customers 

Before starting any work, the most crucial thing is to understand who the customer is and what would be the business requirement of the product. With clarity of the information, the entire process could be smoother. However, the entirety of information is very hard to achieve, yet adequate market research can help. 

Project Management

Project management skills could be highly beneficial skills for a software tester. Knowledge in this aspect would help maintain the quality of delivery by keeping track and fixing the bugs with coordination and communication of the developed team. Again, reporting and documentation will play a key role in seamlessly accomplishing everything. 

Cross-platform/devices Testing Skills 

Whether it is a B2B or B2C model, the testing is not confined to any single device or browser. It is also important to check the compatibility of an application in various devices and environments. With the help of cross-platform testing skills, the software compatibility can be checked correctly, which will eventually pave the way to providing the best customer experience. 

Constantly Learn

Learning is a continuous process; hence, as a software tester, you should focus on acquiring new skills and implementing the learning per the requirement. Blogs related to testing, articles, and relevant YouTube channels might also be handy in this regard. This will also help in having Continuous Service Improvement plans to achieve excellence in delivery. 

Good at Planning and Execution 

Planning is not impactful unless implemented successfully. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the requirement and then deliver accordingly. This is one of the niche skills in the software testing arena. One may opt for going through the previous test plans and execution process to understand the gaps, which may help identify the right strategy. 

Being both Diplomatic & Assertive 

In the professional field of work, it is important to maintain decorum and keep in sync with an organization’s guidelines. Hence, while communicating with the stakeholders, developers, or peers, it is better to have a diplomatic approach. Yet, being assertive is also crucial as a software tester is no less than a whistleblower at times. Being approachable and pleasant will always help in getting an issue rectified collectively. Having good interpersonal skills can be advantageous in this regard. 


As a software testing professional, you must know how to prioritize the work as there would be pressure and a continuous flow of work. Based on the criticality or impact of a work, you should try and plan a day’s work. Due to a lack of prioritizing skills, time-critical work gets delayed resulting in loss of revenue or business in certain worst-case scenarios. 

Updated with New Technologies and Tools

Any competent tester will always be focused on being in sync with the innovative technologies and tools in the market. This process will also help in delivering the best in every scenario. Various tech-news publications and community platforms give a lot of scope for learning new things to keep coordinated with new happenings in the world of technology! 

Time Management

Prioritizing work goes in sync with time management. Software testers must be well in their time as per the work alignments. There are a few well-known methods that might come in handy in this regard: 

  • Use of a to-do list that is maintained physically or digitally with ease 
  • To keep an Action tracker handy for ready reference 
  • To set up reminders to avoid any unnecessary mess 

Know DevOps and Agile Methodologies 

As a software tester, one must know the important methodology concerning DevOps and Agile. The few benefits of these technologies are the removal of rigidity, dealing with accessibility issues, and getting rid of any transparency issues. 

With time, projects are only getting complex, and timelines are becoming shorter in sync with the competition in the market. Hence, Agile can play a crucial role in continuous processes. To deal with the development-related cross-functional teamwork or Operational and QA team, DevOps can be of great use! This helps in keeping the focus on the phased development process and plays a catalyst in expediting work. 

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is very crucial as a software tester. However, it is one of the niche skills in the software testing arena. Without critical thinking, it is difficult to figure out the problem’s root cause. With the help of critical thinking, it is easy to eliminate assumptions and misunderstandings pre- or post-implementation. It is also important to validate each component of the testing process flow. 


In a nutshell, to be a software tester, the technical knowledge must be well supported by the necessary soft skills to deliver in the best possible way without compromising the quality and meeting the deadline. This fine blend of varied software tester skill sets helps an individual performer’s progress. Moreover, it boosts the success ratio of an organization, in the long run, making it a win-win situation for all the stakeholders involved. As an aspirant, one may opt for KnowledgeHut’s best software testing courses to address all the important aspects, making one well equipped in the field of software testing.

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